10 useful links to help you dominate the web world with just one click

Here are 10 extremely useful links, which help you go straight to the page you need, get the features, settings and search you need with just one click.

Here are 10 extremely useful links, which help you go straight to the page you need, get the features, settings and search you need with just one click. They will become your effective assistants in managing your online life.

1. List of important marked emails in Gmail

  1. Direct access to important marked emails in your inbox.
  2. Go straight to the draft
  3. Access straight to the starred email section

2. Change Netflix movie suggestions

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If you don't want movies you watch regularly to be recommended in the future on Netflix, please visit the link below and click on the icon on the right. To see the movie titles you've rated, click the Rating button.

  1. https://www.netflix.com/vn/Login?nextpage=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.netflix.com%2Fviewingactivity

3. Disconnect the application from Facebook

Check which third-party applications are accessing your Facebook account, you will be taken straight to the page to disconnect these applications without having to access the menu on Facebook.

4. Restore deleted files from Dropbox

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  1. Access the list of files you have deleted in Dropbox within 30 days. If you want to restore the deleted file, click the file and select Restore .
  2. Useful links make it easy to share files in Dropbox.
  3. Link to access the required file.

5. Review all your Google voice searches

This link will list the list of voice searches you have made through Google. To listen to these searches, click on the Play button on the right.

6. Restore the deleted playlist from Spotify

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  1. This link will help you restore any playlist that has been deleted from Spotify recently -> click the Restore button next to the restore playlist.
  2. Direct access link to list of devices registered offline:
  3. Access links directly to notification settings.

7. Master your Twitter

  1. Create a short list of people you really like on Twitter:
  2. Direct access to announcements, moments and tweets I used to like.

8. See your favorite tags on Instagram

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  1. Quick access to any Instagram tag (web version) you like.
  2. Save activity on your Instagram account.

9. Watch YouTube videos in order

Access the Watch Later videos list that you created in your YouTube account. You can add to the list, press the plus button and then the Watch Later button under any video.

10. Check out the places you went to on Google Maps

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Direct access to Google Maps Timeline, a record of all your movements when logged in Google Maps if you allow the application to access this information.

See more:

  1. Top 30 sites will pay for the things you did
  2. Common TP Link modem login addresses
  3. Ignore ads of shortened links to directly access the original link on Chrome, Coc Coc and Firefox
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