1 HP equals how many kw, w, kva
HP is an acronym for Horse power which is understood as horsepower, horse power is an old unit for measuring power, a unit that represents the speed of a car and is often recorded as horsepower. Because it is an old unit, so many people now do not know or embarrass when converting horsepower to other units such as w, kw, kva.
To help you understand more about horsepower, please refer to the article below to better understand this unit.
1 HP equals how many kw, w, kva Picture 1
Convert HP to KW and W
The first to propose this horsepower concept is James Watt, in 1782. The conversion of horsepower between units will be calculated as follows:
1 HP = 1 horsepower = 1 horse = 0.745699872 KW (lottery) = 745,699872 W (watt)
And conversely when converting to W, we will calculate the following: 1000W = 1 KW = 1.34102209 HP; 1W = 0.001 KW
Convert HP to KVA
KVA is a type of unit used for capacity of different types of machines. In addition, this unit is also used to calculate when measuring power transmission of transformers, transformers, and stabilizers.
To determine how many KW is 1 KVA. We need to determine the relationship between KVA and KW. The formula associated between these two units is KW = KVA x Cos (Ø).
Because Cos (Ø) = 0.2 - 0.8, usually 1 KVA = 0.2 - 0.8 KW.
So, how many KW is 1 KVA defined as follows.
1 KW = 0.8 KVA
Inferred 1 KVA = 1.0723860589812333 HP.
Above, Network Administrator has instructed you to read how to convert 1 HP of electricity by how many kw, w, kva hope to give readers a lot of important and useful information.
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