1 liter equals how many ml, kg, m3?
Liter, ml, m3 are familiar units of volume measurement in life. They are commonly used to measure volume and mass. So, 1 liter equals how many ml, 1 liter equals how many kg, 1 liter equals how many cubic meters? Read the article below to know how to convert these units.
1 liter equals how many ml?
Liters are often abbreviated as L.
By general convention:
1 liter = 1,000 ml => 1ml = 0.001 liter
1 liter equals how many kg or 1 kg equals how many liters?
Kg stands for kilogram. This is one of the seven basic units of the international system of measurement, used to measure mass along with tons, quintals, oats, grams.
Each type of liquid will have a different density, so when converting from liters to kg will have different values.
1 liter of water = 1 kg
1 liter of wine = 0.79kg
1 liter of gasoline = 0.7kg
1 liter of cooking oil = 0.8kg
1 liter equals how many m3
m3 is the symbol for cubic meter, a unit of measurement for the volume of a given object. The cubic meter is also commonly used in the international system of units.
By convention: 1 liter of water = 1dm3
Which 1m3 = 1000 dm3
=> 1 liter (water) = 0.001m3
So, 1 cubic meter equals how many liters?
We have: 1m3 = 1000 liters.
Example: 1 family uses 8 blocks of water a month. So that family has consumed 8x1000 = 8000 liters of water.
In addition to how to convert the unit of measurement of volume (liter, ml, cubic meter .) above, you can refer to how to convert the unit of measurement of mass in 1 ton by how many quintals, oats, kg.
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