What is a joint stock company, a limited liability company in English?
In Vietnam, we will often see a number of types of companies and enterprises recognized by law, such as: private enterprises, limited liability companies, joint stock companies, partnerships, etc. However, there are two most common types of companies: limited liability companies (limited liability companies) and joint stock companies. However, when reading the English names of these companies, many people ask what is the reading of these companies? Why behind the company is there .Ltd .JSC behind the English name of the company. In this article, please read along.
1. Limited liability company:
What is a joint stock company, a limited liability company in English? Picture 1
Co., Ltd. is one of the types recognized by law. The company will have around 50 members to contribute capital to establish and maintain the development company. This type of company is usually not allowed to issue shares in the market. In addition, when transferring capital in a company, it is necessary to transfer it to a member of the company first. In English, limited liability companies are abbreviated of 2 from the end of CO which stands for Company, LTD, short for Limited. The liability company usually has 2 types: 1-member limited liability company and 2-member limited liability company.
For example:
VietNhat Co.ltd, Viet Nhat Company is a Limited Liability Company with 2 words at the end of CO (Company), ltd (Limited).
2. Joint Stock Company
What is a joint stock company, a limited liability company in English? Picture 2
Like a limited company, a joint stock company is also recognized by law. Capital in the company will be divided into equal parts for shareholders called shares and these companies can fully issue shares, transfer capital easily. In addition, joint stock companies are able to mobilize foreign investment into their companies. In English, the joint stock company, abbreviated as JSC, stands for JOINT STOCK COMPANY.
For example:
NONA company, JSC or you can also write NONA JOINT STOCK COMPANY
Above, we have answered your questions about limited companies and joint stock companies in English. Hope the article will be useful for you.
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