1KB equals how many MB, GB, bytes, bits?
What are KB, MB, GB, bytes, bits? 1KB equals how many MB, GB, bytes, bits? Please read the article below to understand more about the units of capacity on technology devices and the most standard way to convert 1KB!
1KB equals how many MB, GB, bytes, bits? Picture 1
What is TB, GB, MB, KB, Byte.?
TB, GB, MB, KB, Byte,. are units of data storage capacity on technological devices such as hard drives, external memory cards, USB., Internet capacity, 3G, 4G, . .
The smallest unit is Bit, the largest is YB (Yottabyte).
1KB equals how many MB, GB, bytes, bits?
Order from smallest to largest: Bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB.
Table of units of measurement
Unit | Symbol | Equivalent | Equivalent to the number of bytes |
bytes | b | 8 bits | 1 byte |
kilobytes | Kb | 1024 bytes | 1024 bytes |
megabytes | MB | 1024 KB | 1 048 576 bytes |
gigabytes | GB | 1024 MB | 1 073 741 824 bytes |
terabytes | TB | 1024 GB | 1 099 511 627 776 bytes |
petabytes | PB | 1024 TB | 1 125 899 906 842 624 bytes |
exabytes | EB | 1024 PB | 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 bytes |
zetabytes | ZB | 1024 EB | 1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 bytes |
yottabytes | YB | 1024 ZB | 1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 bytes |
brontobytes | BB | 1024 YB | 1 237 940 039 285 380 274 899 124 224 bytes |
geopbyte | GB | 1024 BB | 1 267 650 600 228 229 401 496 703 205 376 bytes |
1KB equals how many MB, GB, bytes, bits
Below is the most common KB data memory measurement unit conversion table, please refer to.
Unit | Exchange value |
1 byte | 8 bits |
1KB (Kilobytes) | 8000 bits |
1KB (Kilobytes) | 1024 bytes (in size) |
1KB (Kilobytes) | 0.001MB (Megabytes) |
1KB (Kilobytes) | 0.000001GB (Gigabytes) |
What can 1GB store?
1GB holds 277 images at 12MP resolution.
To know what MP is, please refer to the article " What is Megapixel? ".
To make it easy to imagine, 1 GB can hold the number of books when stacked on a shelf with a length of about 10 meters.
How long can 1GB go online?
1GB allows you to watch videos on the Internet for 17 minutes (1 minute takes 60MB).
1GB allows users to surf 1000 websites.
1GB allows users to send and receive up to 100,000 emails without attachments.
1GB can load 350 high resolution pictures.
1GB allows 130 minutes of video calls, 3000 minutes of voice calls on Zalo, Viber,.
1GB allows you to listen to 1000 minutes of music on the phone.
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