1 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using.

GB and MB are quite familiar measurement terms that we often see when using the Internet. So you know the difference between these two units of measurement.

GB and MB are quite familiar measurement terms that we often see when using the Internet. So do you know the difference between these two units of measurement? How to measure 1GB How many MB? 1MB equals how many bytes? 1GB equals how many bytes? Please refer to TipsMake's article below for a detailed explanation.

What is GB? What is MB?

Before understanding the two most basic concepts of GB and MB, you must understand the most basic unit of measurement, bytes. A byte is a digital unit used to encode a character of text in a computing device. 

Therefore, the byte is the smallest unit, considered the smallest addressable memory unit in the computer architecture system. 

1 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 11 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 1

So what are GB and MB? One GB is approximately how many bytes? The following content TipsMake will explain to you.

  1. GB is the symbol for the unit Gigabyte , which is a multiple of the unit byte. Gigabyte prefixes are 10 to the 9th power in the international system of units (SI system of units).

So how many bytes is 1 GB? 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes.

  1. MB is the symbol for the Megabyte unit , which is also a multiple of the byte unit to represent digital information. In the SI international system of units of measurement, the Megabyte prefix is ​​10 to the 6th power. 

So 1 MB equals how many bytes? 1 MB = 1,000,000 bytes.

Note: You must write GB and MB, not Gb and Mb. Because GB is Gigabyte, and Gb is Gigabit. Similarly, MB is Megabyte, and Mb is Megabit.

In short, you can understand that GB and MB are units to represent the memory capacity of parts in electronic devices such as RAM, hard drive, memory card, etc. And these units help you. understand that the device is capable of holding more or less data.

1GB equals how many MB?

To answer the question of how many MB is 1 GB equal to according to the SI international system of units of measurement, we will explain to you below.

Specifically : 1 GB = 1024 MB .

From here, you can switch back, converting MB to GB.

To better understand this system of measurement units, continue reading the content below.

1 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 21 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 2

Table of measurement units

Based on the table of measurement units below, it will be easier for you to change the unit from 1 MB GB or bytes.

Name Value
1 Byte 8 Bits
1KB (Kilobyte) 1024B (Bytes)
1MB (Megabyte) 1024KB (Kilobytes)
1GB (Gigabyte) 1024MB (Megabytes)
1TB (Terabyte) 1024GB (Gigabytes)
1PB (Petabyte) 1024TB (Terabytes)
1EB (Exabyte) 1024PB (Petabytes)
1ZB (Zettabyte) 1024EB (Exabytes)
1YB (Yottabyte) 1024ZB (Zettabytes)

Surely, you will no longer wonder how many bytes is approximately 1GB or how many MB is 1GB because it is already on the table.

How long can 1GB data be used?

1 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 31 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 3

If you only use the device to surf Facebook and Zalo for 20 minutes a day, 1GB of DATA can be used for a maximum of 1 month. Or according to another calculation, if on average every 5 minutes uses 10MB, then 1G can be used for 10 days with normal needs.

However, this number may be lower if your phone has more applications. Because, when you turn on the network, even though you are not accessing it, there are still some other applications running in the background and consuming your space. 

Therefore, to save space, you should turn off data when not in use and sign up for unlimited data packages from network providers like Mobifone, Viettel,.

How to change data when using the Internet

When using electronic devices to access the Internet, many people are more concerned about this issue than about how many MB is 1G.

And the answer is right here:

  1. When listening to music online you will consume 1MB of space/minute.
  2. Each time you send and receive mail you will consume 10KB/time .
  3. Every minute of surfing Facebook you will consume 1MB/minute .
  4. When watching videos, you will consume 4MB/minute .
  5. A Lien Quan game can take up 30-50MB and there are many game genres that consume higher capacity.

1 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 41 GB equals how many MB? How to change data when using. Picture 4

What should I delete when my phone memory is full?

Delete old files and when your phone's memory is almost full, it will automatically delete all backed up photos and videos. If you don't want to do that, you can delete your downloads manually by going through your downloads folder.

How long can 1 GB be used online?

1 minute of watching a video online takes 60 MB, meaning 1 GB can watch 17 minutes.
1 GB allows users to send and receive up to 100,000 emails without attachments and surf 1000 websites.
With 1 GB we can download 350 high resolution pictures; Video call 130 minutes, voice call 3000 minutes


Hopefully the above sharing from TipsMake will help you answer the question of how many MB is 1GB ? If you have any other questions that need answering, please leave a comment below!

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