What is Deep Web? Where is the Deep Web? Good or bad?
You can hear a lot about the Deep Web and the rumors surrounding it. The name Deep Web itself has been flooded with mystery, and it is also one of the reasons many people choose not to explore it. Although there are few true mysteries that can exist in today's society, even with the most modern technologies we have, it is still not possible to reach all the content of the Deep Web. So what exactly is Deep Web?
What is Deep Web?
In essence, Deep Web are websites that are not indexed by search engines like Google and Bing. An example can help you clarify this problem: The search engine can be likened to a fishing net, when using a search engine, you can compare it with dragging a grid down the surface. face of the ocean. Sure, you can catch a lot of fish but you can't catch fish in deeper places beyond the net. This illustration is perfect when explaining why search engines are not indexing content in the Deep Web.
Search engines can access several Deep Web sites when there are specific search requests, however, websites are often unreadable after access. In terms of scale, Deep Web is very wide, although it cannot calculate accurately, but it is estimated it can contain up to 7.5 Petabytes of content. More specifically, if you added all the content on the site to the search engine index, the Deep Web still contained about 5,000 times the content of them.
Internet levels and the location of the Deep Web
The Internet can be divided into 8 levels as follows, down to the deeper level, the content of the websites in it is even more difficult to reach.
What is Deep Web? Where is the Deep Web? Good or bad? Picture 1
Level 0: Common Web
This level is the web content you browse every day like YouTube, Facebook, TipsMake.com and other famous, easily accessible websites.
Level 1: Surface Web
This level is still accessible via regular means, but contains "darker" sites like Reddit.
Level 2: Bergie Web
This level is the last level that can be accessed in the usual way: All the following levels must be accessed by proxy, Tor or by changing your hardware. At this level, you can find some underground web but they are still indexed, such as 4chan.
Level 3: Deep Web
The first part of this level must be accessed with the proxy. It contains child porn images, gore, hack websites . This is the level that Deep Web started. The second part of this level is only accessible via Tor and contains much more sensitive and sensitive information.
Level 4: Charter Web
This level is also divided into two parts. The first part is accessible via Tor, things like drugs, human trafficking, banned movies, black markets all exist here. The second part can be accessed by modifying hardware: Closed Shell System. Here, content develops in a much worse direction. Prohibited content, dark information, Law of 13 (a dangerous criminal organization), experimented in World War II, banned heretical documents, and even Atlantis's position.
Level 5: Marianas Web
You will feel very fortunate to find anyone who knows about it, because there may be secret documents at this level involving the US government and many large countries.
Level 6:?
Like a barrier between level 5 and level 7, 8, prevent individuals from entering higher levels.
Level 7: The Fog / Virus Soup
This could be like a war zone, a place where extremely high-value purchase and sale orders, a land of viruses, high-ranking players, people who do not like to have a nosy person stick to their stories and are ready for "eat enough" story. Everyone at this level tries to enter level 8 and prevent others from going there. This level is also created to protect level 8.
Level 8: The Primarch System
Primarch System is an Internet control system. Without government, any organization has control over it. Discovered in 2000, but no one really knows what information, what works. It does not respond, but sends irreversible commands to the entire network, randomly. Level 8 is said to be separated by "level 17 quantum tr001 level function lock" that our computers are almost impossible to break. It is now called the Last Boss of the Internet.
The dark nature of the Deep Web
Deep Web is not entirely negative, but there are many positive points, there are many content we visit every day, the Deep Web is unaware (like Gmail, messages, .). But the Deep Web has negative aspects, which is undeniable. And part of it is Dark Web.
Before we go into the Deep Web's dark side analysis, you need to know the nature of Deep Web, Deep Web can be accessed by Tor browser. Most importantly, the browser implements the layers and encryption layers on the incoming / outgoing data, which is why it is called onion router.
What purpose does this encryption serve? Every search and transaction through Deep Web is anonymous. That means there is no trace of anything happening in this. Everyone is anonymous on the Deep Web. Therefore, it became a center for prohibited and criminal activities. The transfer of drugs, illegal weapons, hiring illegal people appears daily on the Deep Web.
Benefits of Deep Web
Deep Web is very wide, it contains information that regular search engines are not available. The Deep Web is especially useful for those who are oppressed living under authoritarian regimes because they can hold meetings on here without having to worry about them being discovered. The Deep Web can also provide research material for scientists because Google indexes only the latest articles, many of which are still in the Deep Web. It is a tool to denounce cruel acts happening all over the world without being intimidated by the censorship of mainstream media.
As I said, the Deep Web is not really bad, but the way people use it has made it worse and become a dangerous place for ordinary users.
With its excellent anonymity, Deep Web is legally capable of being a valuable tool and protecting privacy for users (something we still expect and spend). Internet search.
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