Tricks to fix a gray screen when booting Macbook

Tricks to fix gray Mac screen are not easy. However, it is still possible to self-fix if the user follows some standardized tips by technology experts.

After a period of time using the Macbook, there are many problems, but the freeze on the gray screen is considered one of the most troublesome by many causes of this error. In fact, it's not always the gray screen error on the Macbook when starting up.

This booting issue is called the gray screen issue, as the screen will go gray during the boot-up phase when the problem occurs. Characteristic of this problem is that the screen changes from blue when powered to gray, although the blue screen may not be visible as it usually disappears very quickly.

It is not easy to fix the error of the Macbook screen with gray signs, but if the user takes the trouble to follow the instructions of technology experts, it can be completely fixed.

Tricks to fix a gray screen when booting Macbook Picture 1Tricks to fix a gray screen when booting Macbook Picture 1

Disconnect all peripheral devices

One of the most common causes that can cause gray screen issues is a problem with the peripheral or its cables. When a problematic peripheral is plugged into the Mac, it can prevent the autostart from happening and cause it to stall while waiting for the peripheral to respond.

The most common form of this problem is a problem with a peripheral or its cable causing one of the signaling batteries on one of the Macbook's ports to be 'stuck' at high / low voltage. , short circuit to ground or positive voltage. Any of these conditions can cause your Mac to 'freeze' during boot.

Therefore, please remove all peripherals for the duration of the procedure first, then turn off the Mac by pressing and holding the power button. If possible, unplug the ethernet cable, audio in / out cable, headphones, and any other peripherals, and then turn on your Mac again.

Note do not disconnect the keyboard, mouse or monitor. If the keyboard or mouse is connected via a USB hub, bypass that hub by plugging the keyboard and mouse directly into the Mac to check.

Or you can also try to replace peripherals by trying to change the mouse and keyboard you are using to an alternative device that you know is still working well, then restart your Mac. If you don't have a backup device, simply disconnect your mouse and keyboard, then restart it by pressing and holding the power key.

Reset PRAM and SMC

If you can't boot your Mac in Safe Boot mode or your Mac boots in Safe Boot mode but won't boot normally, try resetting the PRAM and SMC.

Resetting the PRAM and SMC returns the Mac hardware to default settings. Sound levels are set to default, for example, the internal speakers are set as the audio source, and brightness and display options are reset.

When using this trick if it works properly, reattach each peripheral, restart your Mac after each one, to verify that neither of them is causing the gray screen issue. head.

Boot your Mac using Safe Boot (safe boot)

If there are no faulty peripherals or cables, try booting your Mac using Safe Boot mode. To do that, first disconnect all peripherals except the mouse and keyboard.

During the whole Safe Boot process, the Mac will perform a check on the boot drive folder. If the directory is intact, the operating system will resume the boot process by loading only the minimum number of extensions needed to boot.

Remove all but the minimum amount of RAM from the Mac

If you added any RAM to your Mac after buying, remove that stick and see if the Mac starts up normally. If this is the case then one or more RAM sticks are faulty and will need to be replaced with a different quality RAM.

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