The reset session command in Windows
(Applies to Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012)
The reset session command allows you to reset (delete) a session on the Remote Desktop Session server (rd Session Host).To learn more about how to use this command, see the example section below.
Note: In Windows Server 2008 R2, Terminal Services have been renamed to Remote Desktop Services.
The command to reset session
reset {session | } [/server:] [/v] } [/ server:] [/ v]
The command parameter resets the session
Specify the name of the session you want to reset.To determine the name of a session, use the query session command.
Specify the session ID to reset.
/ server:
Specify the terminal server that contains the session you want to reset.If this parameter is not specified, the current rd Session Host server will be used by default.
/ v
Displays information about the action being taken.
Show help at thecommand prompt.
The command prompt resets the session
You can always reset your own session, but you will have to have full control access to reset the session of another user.
Note that resetting other users' sessions without warning them may result in data loss during that session.
You should only reset the session when it is malfunctioning or seems to have stopped responding.
The parameter / server is only required if you use a resetting session from the remote server.
For example, the command to reset the session
To reset the specified session named rdp-tcp # 6, enter:
reset session rdp-tcp # 6
To reset the session using ID to 3, enter:
reset session 3
See more:
- Summary of 20 common Run commands on Windows operating system
- Summary of shortcuts to know in Windows 10
- Basic Linux commands everyone needs to know
- Table summarizes the basic PowerShell commands
You should read it
- Session in PHP
- Function SESSION_USER in SQL Server
- Qwinsta (query session) command in Windows
- Web13: Session Hijacking Hacking Techniques
- Change command in Windows
- How to Create a Secure Session Management System in PHP and MySQL
- Group Session: A new feature on Spotify that allows users to listen to music together
- How to reset SMC on Mac
- Learn about attacking Man in the Middle - Taking over Session control
- How to use the Reset feature on Windows 10
- The command changes user in Windows
- Summary of some simple ways to Reset Windows 10