The nfsstat command in Windows

You can use the nfsstat command to display or reset the number of calls made to Server for NFS.

You can use the nfsstat command to display or reset the number of calls made to Server for NFS.


 nfsstat [-z] 


When used without the -z option, the nfsstat command will display the number of NFS V2, NFS V3 and Mount V3 calls made to the server since the counters are set to 0, or when the service starts or when the counter is reset with nfsstat -z.

See more:

  1. The nlbmgr command in Windows
  2. Netcfg command in Windows
  3. Nbtstat command in Windows
  4. Bitsadmin create command in Windows
  5. The bcdedit command in Windows
  6. The autoconv command in Window
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