Sorry, Kaspersky, Microsoft is building more security tools in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Microsoft 's relationship with cyber security companies is more or less freaking, especially when it comes to complaints from Kaspersky that Microsoft is having aggression with Windows Defender, to ensure users can Protect from viruses continuously.
There is now evidence that Microsoft is planning the next step, building security tools and putting it in Windows 10 during the upcoming Windows 10 Fall Creators Update update.
Well well well . look who built in EMET into the kernel of Windows 10 RS3 (Fall Creator's Update). Thanks to @epakskape for the hint.
- Alex Ionescu (@aionescu) June 18, 2017
According to renowned internal expert Alex Ionescu, the latest Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (build 16125) builds Insider will bring changes to the kernel, Microsoft is building the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET) into my operating system.
EMET is a tool to help prevent vulnerabilities in the software so that they are not exploited. EMET uses technology to reduce network attacks such as special protection methods and barriers that operators must defeat to exploit software vulnerabilities. This technology does not guarantee that the vulnerability cannot be exploited. However, it makes it more difficult to exploit vulnerabilities and provides security with the ability to detect unusual behavior instead of certain symbols.
Microsoft decided to stop supporting EMET after July 31, 2018, but a recent report showed that Windows 10 is still less secure than Windows 7 when EMET has many EMET features such as DEP, ASLR and Control Flow Guard ( CFG).
Therefore, this step is still welcome, but when EMET supports Windows 10, Windows 7, 8.1, Server 2008, Server 2012, Server 2012 R2 and Vista will soon leave. Perhaps that is how Microsoft pressures companies to install their latest operating system.
Of course this also brings another reason for companies to complain about Microsoft but hopefully recent incidents like
Well well well . look who built in EMET into the kernel of Windows 10 RS3 (Fall Creator's Update). Thanks to @epakskape for the hint.
- Alex Ionescu (@aionescu) June 18, 2017 WannaCry will help people realize clearly that security is very important and cannot be just a part of IT administration.
You should read it
- Enhance Windows 10 security with Exploit Protection
- 6 remarkable security features on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- Finally Windows 10 Autumn Creators Update will be named Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- Instructions to uninstall Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- How to recover passwords on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- How to download Windows 10 Fall Creators Update via Insider Preview
- What will Microsoft 'kill' in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update update?
- Instructions for using voice commands on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- Prevent Windows 10 Fall Creators Update from reopening applications after restarting
- Windows 10 Fall Creators Update for mobile devices will be released more widely this week
- 7 new features in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- 9 new installation features in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update update
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