Proposing to cut off the Internet for online violators to quickly handle violations

In a report submitted to the Government, the Ministry of Information and Communications proposed measures for Internet service providers to stop or suspend service provision to organizations and individuals, in order to quickly handle violations in the network environment.

In a report submitted to the Government, the Ministry of Information and Communications proposed measures for Internet service providers to stop or suspend service provision to organizations and individuals, in order to quickly handle violations in the network environment.

Proposing to cut off the Internet for online violators to quickly handle violations Picture 1Proposing to cut off the Internet for online violators to quickly handle violations Picture 1

This proposal is one of 11 new points of the draft decree to replace Decree No. 72 in 2013 and Decree 27 in 2018 on management, provision and use of Internet services and online information published by the Ministry for comments.

Specifically, upon request from the ministry, enterprises providing telecommunications services, Internet, web hosting, data centers will have the responsibility to refuse or stop providing telecommunications and Internet services to those who use the above services to post infringing information online, especially using livestream services on social networks. Infringing content, services and applications will have to be removed and blocked within 24 hours from the date of receipt of the request of the Ministry.

In addition, a number of new things related to the management of users and information in cyberspace are also added in the draft, such as regulations on authentication of social network user accounts via mobile phone numbers in Vietnam, temporary or permanent locking of page accounts, community groups, and channels of infringing content on domestic and cross-border social networks.


The ministry also proposed to add a number of regulations to protect social network users such as the platform must publicly describe the process and method of distributing content so that users can know and consider using it; there is a department to receive and handle complaints and supplement regulations on child protection.

In addition, the livestream service will only be provided to those who have a social network license or have an operating notice with the Ministry of Information and Communications.

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