Proficient in learning 5 skills thanks to the Internet
Our working environment is now very different from that of our ancestors. Our parents used to choose a job like an accountant, a lawyer or a teacher and continue to stick with it for the rest of their lives. However, in the current 10 to 15 years, the context of the job market has changed markedly. The development of technology has gradually erased the image of jobs that were once believed to be stable and stable, especially when the economy always had two cycles: booming and recession causing hundreds of people to suffer fired and forced to find a new job.
However, this does not mean that those jobs disappear completely - simply that they are transferred to another field. In fact, there are millions of vacant positions right now, only if you have the skills that match the position that the employer wants. With today's technological advantages, you can completely sit at home and still be able to learn these skills yourself online courses online . Let's take a look at the 5 favorite skills selected below to make your CV more beautiful, especially they can master themselves thanks to the Internet !
Proficient in learning 5 skills thanks to the Internet Picture 1 Future work may be on the computer screen.
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Analysis
Huge data is now the next area in business innovation. With current technological advances, the volume of existing data is growing exponentially and covering most areas, as well as businesses. Therefore, companies and individuals capable of exploiting and analyzing this huge volume of data will earn huge income. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial to have a solid foundation of arithmetic, geometry, algebra, statistics and calculation. If you feel that you need these skills, don't worry because the Khan Academy website will provide you with completely free instructions.
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Cloud Computing (Cloud Computing)
One of the biggest changes in the IT industry is the conversion of permanent data on computers to virtual server hosting services. Perhaps you have heard of common words such as virtual technology, global system software ( software as a service - SaaS ), global system services ( platform as a service - PaaS ). Basically, this means losing space, hiring labor and spending money on tangible servers to store tons of data and if unfortunately it can cause a company to break. product, no longer works. Instead, transferring data to a virtual server where storage is more secure and cost-effective.
One of the services used on virtual servers is Customer Relationship Management ( Customer Relationship Management - CRM ) software . In order to promote this trend, users need to have certain knowledge about cloud computing and SaaS. If you are interested in this area, visit - which provides you with a completely free cloud computing course.
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Logistics (Supply chain management)
In the context of a difficult economy like today, logistics is also known as a supply chain management science, which is an essential job for product companies. The task of a supply chain manager is to minimize the cost of raw materials, production lines and the distribution network of goods to users. In essence, this manager is a combination of a cargo hunter and a knowledgeable person who needs to pay attention to the fuel from a country with cheaper production costs, finding ways to The most economical way to transfer raw materials to factories and products to consumers.
With the development of electronic businesses such as Zappos and Amazon, logistics is extremely important, so people with logistics knowledge are always needed. If you feel this is an interesting job, sign up for a completely free college-level logistics course from MIT School of Technology through OpencourseWare.
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Digital marketing (Digital Marketing)
Digital Marketing ( Digital Marketing ) is the use of the Internet as a medium for marketing and communication activities. Digital Marketing has 3 characteristics: using digital media, reaching customers in a digital environment, interacting with customers.
In the past 10 years, most businesses have changed a lot and so have marketing. If you still don't remember it, I would like to remind you that printing is losing ground and that the online marketing market is on the rise. So more than ever, business people need someone who is knowledgeable about online marketing, including mastering the skills of Search Engine Optimization ( Search Engine Optimization- SEO ), marketing information and social media. Assembly
Simply understanding, SEO will help consumers find marketing content, giving all the valuable information that people want to share, and the media is the foundation for sharing. valuable information and contact the customer. It is really hard to be an excellent person in all areas, but if you choose only one and are good at one field, you will definitely become a valuable asset to employers. . Hubspot Academy will be a great place to start learning online marketing .And when you complete the course, you are fully qualified to receive an Inbound Marketing certificate - the most effective marketing method for online business at no cost!
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Programming Language (Programming Languages)
This may be well known, but if not mentioned, it is indeed missing. Computers are becoming more responsive and compact, and more and more applications are being made to make our lives easier. People want more and more applications for computers, as well as their phones, so it is not uncommon for the need to recruit developers who are towering.
In the past, programming was a job for the nerds and the weak, but now in stark contrast, the programmer is now regarded as a rock star. There are dozens of languages available for you to choose from - Objective C, Python, PHP, Ruby, HTML, Java - and just mastering one of them, you can earn a job. already. However, if you are inexperienced, you can start right away with the interactive instructions from Codeacademy.
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All are at your fingertips
Yes, recruitment trends are changing, but this is not a concern. Accept changes and refresh yourself over time. The prospect of recruitment is changing drastically and of course, you don't want to be stuck in a mountain right? Prepare yourself the skills that the market needs. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, along with a little understanding, you can discover many other necessary skills to support you in the upcoming work. The best thing is to always have free resources to help you master these skills. What are you waiting for. Choose for yourself a favorite, passionate job and become excellent before employers!
Refer to some more articles:
- Top 10 common errors to avoid when hunting online
- 16 things to do on Monday morning of the week to be able to work more effectively
- 7 simple ways to find a startup idea
Having fun!
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