If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article!

Trying to discover the purpose of your life can make you feel frustrated if you don't know where to start. All will only start when you know more about life and know who you are ...

" Realize what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold. " ~ William Moulton Marsden

" Recognize what you really want to do. It prevents you from chasing butterflies and forcing you to do gold digging. "

Trying to discover the purpose of your life can make you feel frustrated if you don't know where to start. All will only start when you know more about life and know who you are. You are the one who can step out into the world and create change by finding the right purpose and direction for yourself. Now I myself have everything you need in that exploration.

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 1If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 1

In this article, you will find your own purpose of life by taking action steps to help you achieve the goals that you have set yourself. Let's see this as a small course because after reading this article you will get what you need to know about yourself, but now you realize that you should respect them.

Doing what makes you unique

The only means that you will not confuse anyone in this world. Find your own strength, passion and value. Step away from what is supposed to be and follow what your heart tells you, open your own path.

See also: True happiness is not in others but in ourselves!

Use your own guide

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 2If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 2

Touch your emotions: How do you feel when you are doing something? It may be in your own job, when you are doing a certain task or hobby. When do you lose the concept of time? What are you doing? Keep a notebook by hand or use your phone to record these moments. Because feeling is the key to doing what you love ( or don't like ). Do what you love more by being aware of how you feel when you do something.

When you were young, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?

( Before being crushed by this idea ) Spend quiet time thinking about them because we're about to go back to the time when your imagination was full of richness and build up many images. About yourself, make wonderful things. Is that what you tell others that you want to be when you grow up? What do you like to do? Where do you like to go?

What do you really like to do?

If you haven't seriously asked yourself this question, honestly answer it now.

See also: 10 things to remind yourself every morning to live happier

Ask yourself what you will do if there are no restrictions

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 3If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 3

If someone tells you that there is no limit - all you have to do is stop you from moving forward. For this exercise, use a blank sheet of paper divided into two columns and your goal is at the top of the paper. The first column lists a list of the ways you will complete the goal, the second column is what hinders you from reaching your goal.

BUT you don't need to write anything in the second column because every second you think of something will hold back your thoughts, just CONTINUE. Also, write another way you CAN do, then do it.

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What gives you the greatest sense of value, importance and satisfaction?

The question itself is very clear but instead of writing it down, you just need to lie down or sit down somewhere comfortably and visualize the context or some place you feel you have value, concern it is okay or content. Hope this will enlighten what you are doing on a regular basis.

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 4If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 4

What is the great thing that you dare to dream of without failing?

If your dream is to make change for the world because of humanity, what makes you think you can't? Try to understand the cause of fear to find ways to remove them little by little.

If you have enough money, what will you do?

Create a list, like what you have to do in your life, and see what great things you can do. Where will you go? How will you live a life?

Is there any belief holding you back?

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 5If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 5

Is there anything you really want to do but is constrained by some limited belief, because you think you're not good enough? Faith seems to be real, when in fact they are just things you have learned to accept even when they are not real. Maybe you have talent but you don't think you're good. Maybe you don't have enough time. Maybe you don't think someone will care about you. Whatever it is, it's time for you to step back, observe from another angle and answer the following questions:

  1. What do I have to believe to do what I crave?
  2. What ideas do I have to believe to follow what my heart tells me?
  3. How do I believe it to find my purpose?

Time of action

If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 6If you are looking for the purpose of your life, read this article! Picture 6

Make a list of 10 goals you want to achieve in the next three years. In that list, choose a goal that has the most positive impact on your life. Make another list of all the things that will take you towards your goal. Pay attention to how the process is done and how successful it is to achieve that goal. Write down and act immediately, at least one thing.

" Vị trí chỉ có thể giữa một man và gì bạn muốn từ thiết bị quá nhiều sẽ sẽ thử nó và thông tin để tin mà không thể ." ~ Richard M. DeVos

" The only thing between a person and what he wants to have in life is the will to do and the belief that everything can be done. "

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 15 habits of wasting time need to be removed immediately
  2. 3 simple ways to double confidence in just 70 days
  3. 10 middle-aged crisis warning signs everyone needs to know

Having fun!

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