Voice in communication and how to have a good voice?

Do you feel uncomfortable talking to a person with a grumpy voice, a melody, not definitive or speaking too loudly?

There is a popular saying that "First impressions usually last forever" and whether you realize this or not, the voice always has a huge impact on your impression of communicating with people. other. The tone expresses respect, confidence, but also expresses your feelings and welcome to the person opposite. If your voice is weak and your breathing is irregular, your opponent may think that you are not excited. Fortunately, however, this can improve by practicing some simple methods.

Why need to adjust the voice when communicating?

Do you feel uncomfortable talking to a person with a grumpy voice, a melody, not definitive or speaking too loudly?

The beautiful and attractive voice is no longer a standard for orators, speakers or opera singers, but now it has become the desire of many people. Even an inspiring voice will help each person quickly expand relationships, "eat points" before employers, customers, partners and create a foundation for career breakthroughs. Many scientists have also given evidence of the application of certain types of voices that will help each person get a better job and always be on the promoted list of new positions.

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The great thing of people with deep voices

US President Barrack Obama is a typical testament to a study done not long ago with the conclusion that the lower-profile political candidates are more likely to win elections. in U.S.A. The owner of a deep voice is assigned a strong, calm and capable character . Men and women with a deep voice often have higher levels of testosterone, so they have the impression of being strong and positive. Especially, for women, men with low voice are often "sexy" and attractive.

In addition, another study also found that male voice CEOs are often involved in managing larger businesses and making more money. Accordingly, the height in a CEO's voice dropped by 1%, his company's value increased by $ 30 million. However, in the opposite direction, owning a deep voice will definitely become a CEO, it has not been proven.

Raising the final accent is considered to be a lack of confidence

If in stories, meetings or a presentation, you often raise the voice at the end of a sentence, then you will probably be judged as unprofessional.

According to Susan Sankin , a professional voice coach, that raising your voice makes you look less calm, indecisive and less confident at work. Moreover, it is easy to distract people from the content you want to convey.

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Meanwhile, a study by British publisher Pearson shows that most bosses believe that "Raising the voice hinders the prospect of advancement as well as the salary increase."

People who speak hard and lacking are often difficult to apply for jobs

"Fry vocal" is the term for vibrating the vocal cord when speaking, creating a slow and annoying sound. A study in 2014 found that people falling into this situation were considered to be less credible and more difficult to work with than those who spoke normally.

Men who speak high voices may be nervous

In one study, scientists recorded the opinions of a number of undergraduated male students on college admissions targets and what they would do if they had inherited a large sum of money. Then they edited some recordings so that the height of the voice was high or lower than 20%.

The results showed that men and women who listened to the recordings rated people speaking higher than being anxious, dishonest, and less assertive than those with a low voice.

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How to improve the voice?

Take the breath from the abdomen

To get a smooth, powerful and natural voice, you first need to learn the right breathing technique.Breathing from the chest is wrong , instead, practice breathing from the abdomen.

How do I know I'm breathing from my chest? Quite simply, if you breathe in this way, when you breathe, your shoulders will rise (when inhaled) and drop down (when you breathe out), so is your chest.

You can practice breathing from the abdomen as follows: When you inhale, try to put air into your abdomen at the same time. At this time, the chest and abdomen are tight but the chest is more stretched. Keep it for 4 seconds, then exhale and persistently practice 5 minutes a day. After about 30 days, you will see a significant change.


Practice reading aloud, clearly about 10 pages a day. Read each word carefully until you feel confident and in normal conversations, you also maintain the correct pronunciation.

Say with enough volume

As mentioned above, speaking at a loud volume can make the person uncomfortable and feel like being "attacked". So practice this by recording your voice or asking someone else (maybe your family, close friends) to test it out.

Adjust the speed of speaking

Maintaining a regular rhythm from beginning to end, especially in presentations will make listeners feel sleepy, even, not persistent enough to listen. Therefore, you should adjust to slow, fast, and optimize stops (pause speaking) so that listeners "absorb" what you have said, thought and created opportunities let you think about the next idea.


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