New worm attacks Windows

Security experts have discovered a new dangerous virus, taking advantage of the latest vulnerabilities in Windows to attack the system.

New worm attacks Windows Picture 1New worm attacks Windows Picture 1 Security experts have discovered a new dangerous virus, taking advantage of the latest vulnerabilities in Windows to attack the system.

ZOTOB virus appeared soon after the world's largest software company - Microsoftwarnedthree "critical" vulnerabilities in Windows operating system last week.One of these three vulnerabilities allows an attacker to control the entire victim's computer system.

According to the warning of security firm Trend Micro, ZOTOB exploits vulnerabilities in operating systems Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP platform;and can allow an attacker to control a remote infection computer.

However, Microsoft security engineers believe that worms can only attack Windows 2000 and not infect other operating system versions.

ZOTOB drops a copy (BOTZOR.EXE) into the system directory and modifies the host file on the victim computer to prevent users from accessing secure websites.

The worm also has the ability to connect to some IRC channels and grant computer control to hackers.Hackers can take advantage of infected computers to attack other systems or slow down the speed of the entire Internet.

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