Figure 1: Installed AD-LDS services
The ISASTGCTRL service is the AD-LDS service for the Windows AD-LDS instance. The Forefront TMG storage service (ISASTG) is responsible for storing TMG configuration in AD-LDS and in the internal Windows registry.
Connect to the Forefront TMG configuration via ADSIEDIT
Because the AD-LDS instance uses the same directory structure as Active Directory, we can connect to the AD-LDS instance through tools like the LDP ADSIEDIT and other LDAP tools. For example in this article, we will use ADSIEDIT to connect to the AD-LDS instance. Launch ADSIEDIT and select CN = FPC2 as the CN, specify the server name with port 2171, then you can connect to the data store of the AD-LDS instance.
As shown in the figure, you will see the entire Forefront TMG configuration.
Note : We can change and add entries in the TMG configuration through ADSIEDIT, but we do not recommend using ADSIEDIT to change the settings, if you do not like the results of the changes. there.
Microsoft Forefront TMG Storage
During the installation of Forefront TMG, a service called Microsoft Forefront TMG Storage (ISASTG) will be created to provide Forefront TMG configuration storage space and allow interaction with the internal registry used to save the configuration. TMG locally.
The AD-LDS instance will install a service called ADAM_ISASTGCTRL, which is the service used to control the locally installed AD-LDS instance. This service will be stopped and set to start type DISABLED when the Forefront TMG Enterprise Server joins an array managed by Forefront EMS.
AD-LDS database location
The Microsoft Forefront TMG AD-LDS instance is stored in the Forefront TMG installation directory in a subdirectory called ADAMData.
Configure Forefront TMG in the Registry
The Forefront TMG configuration will be stored in the internal AD-LDS instance if Forefront TMG Server is a standalone server or managed by a local array. A copy of the Forefront TMG configuration is also stored in the local registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Each time a new TMG configuration change is applied by the Forefront TMG management interface, the local registry will also be updated. The Forefront TMG Storage service is responsible for this task.
TMG services have been stopped (TMG Storage)
If you stop the Forefront TMG Storage service, the registry keys will be deleted and automatically re-created after the service has been successfully restarted.
Join Array
If you decide to join the Forefront TMG server into an array managed by an EMS (Enterprise Management Server), it is possible without canceling and reinstalling Forefront TMG. Launch the TMG Management console and start the Join Array Wizard.
During the join of the TMG EMS, the local ISASTGCTRL service will be stopped and disabled.
In this tutorial we introduced you to where Forefront TMG saves Forefront TMG configuration settings. Forefront TMG Standard and Enterprise use AD-LDS to save the configuration but copy the TMG configuration stored in the local registry. If the Forefront TMG Enterprise Server joins an array managed by an EMS, the local AD-LDS instance (controlled by the ISASTRGCTRL service) will be disabled.