Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that

In a study of Penn State University in 2004, it was found that for those who do service, a smile for them is very important. Smile creates friendliness and impresses their customers.

When a staff member smiles during the interaction process, their customers will feel more satisfied.

Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 1Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 1

1. Improve the mood

Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 2Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 2

Our mood is expressed through the face, the nuances though happy and sad are clearly showing on the face. Emotions may originate from the brain but facial muscles convert to these emotions.

Recent studies have demonstrated that through enhancing positive emotions, suppressing negative emotions with facial expressions, someone's mood will be more strongly associated with emotions on the mold. face during communication.

2. Reduce stress

Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 3Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 3

In a 2012 study published in the journal Psychological Science, psychological scientist Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of Kansas University conducted a study with 170 participants. These participants were asked to put chopsticks into their mouths with 3 different poses to laugh at different angles.

Experiments showed that the biggest laughter significantly reduced heart rate and reduced stress more effectively than the rest.

3. Smiling creates friendliness and closer

In a study of Penn State University in 2004, it was found that for those who do service, a smile for them is very important. Smile creates friendliness and impresses their customers. When a staff member smiles during the interaction process, their customers will feel more satisfied.

4. Think more positively

Often the brain tends to think about negative things as a defense mechanism. When you smile, your mind will turn towards more positive things.

According to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage: "By smiling every day, we can help our brains create happy rings, towards more positive thoughts."

5. Improve work performance significantly

Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 4Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 4

The benefits of having a smile on your lips will significantly improve your mood at work. It is the 'medicine' that makes you feel happier and you will work more effectively.

In a study in 2010, a group of economic researchers discovered that happiness has a significant role to play. It is directly proportional to productivity at work. And more positive emotions will appear, negative emotions will gradually disappear.

6. Smiling helps you be more creative

A 2013 study by the University of California, San Francisco found this connection in men and research shows that happy people have a more comprehensive approach to problems, improving their ability. thinking ability, finding more solutions than those with negative thoughts.

7. No laughter at all

Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 5Make yourself a habit of always smiling every day, and you'll get more than that Picture 5

Nobody taxed or had to pay for the smile. So why don't you laugh every day to feel happier? You will then feel more than you lose. Boost your confident smile further by making it a habit to get regular dental care in Orleans.

Wish you have moments of fun!

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