Keep digital devices from overloading

Your home owns digital devices such as digital cameras, digital camcorders, audiovisual products ... it is usually the time when this group of products operates at full capacity. and sometimes too

Your home owns digital devices such as digital cameras, digital camcorders, audiovisual products . it is usually the time when this group of products operates at full capacity. and sometimes overloaded but less interested in homeowners.

Most groups of these products are only used by owners on home occasions with special events such as birthdays or holidays, and are carefully stored until the new year is used again. Many employers assume that, taking only one or two times a year, the device is probably unharmed. But according to experts, this type of use of your devices is very problematic and regrettable such as failure of hardware, battery consumption, battery bottle, . The risk of failure as above can also be avoided. if the user spends some time to 'take care' of his device, at least according to the following instructions:

'Heat up' the device

Cameras are one of the most commonly used devices during Tet holidays. Digital cameras are used more because they are so cheap and easy to use that a 4 year old boy can also shoot. Because of this, a digital camera is forced to work harder than a film camera that is controlled because it is difficult to use and has a limited number of movies. Nearly 90% of cameras are statistically in the state of overwork during the holidays.

The use of too many times in a short period of time, while previously not operating regularly, leads to hardware failures such as the machine's zoom controller does not work as well as before because of continuous ejection. , the battery-powered machines are prone to battery or battery failure . To avoid malfunction after a period of inactivity, users need to boot up the machine. The device boot is not too fussy, you can do it by charging the battery with a relatively small amount of time, then turn on the device and not use it until the battery runs out, this action can help for the device to perform the "heating" of the IC, both heating the battery and discharging the battery to work with high intensity for a long time.

Remove the battery immediately after use

Keep digital devices from overloading Picture 1Keep digital devices from overloading Picture 1 Source: best-digital-cameras For devices using external batteries, charging by a separate charger, users need to remember the principle: Remove the battery immediately after use. This way helps to avoid battery failure, causing the device to malfunction. Do not use batteries normally for cameras. The easiest to understand is because these batteries are very expensive, usually each of these two batteries can only take 2 to 3 sheets that can run out of battery.

These batteries are very susceptible to water leakage, which directly affects the device. It is better to use a rechargeable battery to take a long time, avoiding at least the frustration that is not worth having to miss the beautiful moment. For batteries with built-in devices, before using them, you should also open the battery and gently wipe the contact points of the device.

Do not remove the card immediately after shooting

The next problem you need to pay attention to is using the device's memory cards. These memory cards are the place to store your images as well as your video clips, so if unfortunately these cards are corrupted as if you have nothing left in your hand.

There are many reasons for memory cards to be damaged, but in relation to user operations there are often the following points: First, when the machine is turned on, the battery of the device will load a certain amount of power to take pictures, but when the phone is turned off , this amount will only discharge after a period of 5-10 minutes. Removing the memory card at this time will affect the card. Therefore, the principle that you need to remember is not to remove the memory card when the device is on and only withdraw after you turn off the computer for 5-10 minutes. Many people use the habit of using multiple cards at the same time to make it easier to replace when the card is full. But the card removal operation when the phone is turned on, or replaced properly, but putting the card into the pants pocket and sitting down can also damage the card.

You should not turn off the camera as soon as you have finished shooting, as switching the camera on and off can also lead to the continuous movement of the zoom lens leading to the need for lens sensitivity reduction. Getting the card through other machines is also easy to cause your memory cards to fail, especially not to memory your memory card on other machines or cameras other than that card.

Camera: only charge the battery when the phone is turned off

For digital camcorders, though not as popular as digital cameras, it is not too strange. For this product, the rate of 'lying down' for a long time is very high, even higher than digital cameras because the demand is not much, so the use and preservation after use It is important to use it appropriately. In the past, most dial-up equipment used miniDV tape, now individual users have also used DVD players or hard drives. However, because the price of DVD players is still relatively high, users still use a lot of miniDV cassette players.

Like digital cameras, digital camcorders also require you the initial boot time for the device to be able to serve and work for a long time afterwards, the same way as a camera. digital. Types of miniDV tapes need to be removed after use, should not be left in the machine for a long time.

For batteries, most of the camcorder's batteries are in the device and are charged via the charger, so you need to charge the battery fully after you have performed the boot steps. During charging, you should charge when the device is in the off state of inactivity. You should charge the battery in normal mode instead of Fast mode. When removing the battery for cleaning, then reinstalling it, you should pay attention to installing the correct polarity of the device to prevent it from causing explosion or short-circuiting of internal components.

Do not use a plastic wrap

LCD screens should also be taken care of, you should only clean these screens with specialized devices, because of the long period of storage, there may be dirt clinging to the screen slots. After finishing using the New Year days, when storing, you should use the types of dehumidifiers available or can ask to buy at the store. In particular, never use polymeric packs to wrap or cover products to avoid dust.

The use of high-end video cameras should not be used if it is not necessary, if you use it, you should run out of battery, then start charging again, less used devices should be used reasonably. Avoid battery bottle status. Focus lenses of both cameras and camcorders for dust cleaning you must use specialized blowers to blow, avoid using towels or touching your hands directly to wear glasses.

Stable power source

In addition to the two main products of the Tet holiday, you also often use equipment such as television, music player or other devices on Tet holiday with very high intensity so it should be noted with other types of products. This product, TVs are also perishable products on Tet holiday. So if you need to keep the room clean and dry, you should also plug the TV into a stable power source. Due to the start-up time, your TV will have a very high voltage, usually you should plug the TV directly into the voltage regulator. Other types of devices such as disc players and music players should also be used more appropriately with the device turned off and off in accordance with the process, not because of the busy source of the device.

Heat sink for the machine

The fact that the machines are working continuously for a long time will generate huge heat, so the heat dissipation for the device is also quite important. You should place the device in a dry place, avoid direct sunlight on the device. For disc players, it is not recommended to continuously read or continuously change the disc types, which can reduce the elasticity of the zipper, make the reader worse, causing discus phenomenon. After use, you should also let the device rest for a while before turning it back on so that the device returns to a state of complete rest.

The overuse of electronic devices on Tet is inevitable. However, proper and reasonable use will help your devices last longer than usual, minimizing the risks of Tet holidays with your devices.

Han Giang

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