iPhone has scratched film - Signs, causes and how to fix

Today's TipsMake will provide you with complete information about the iPhone film scratch situation, from the cause to how to fix it.

 If you are unlucky enough to encounter this situation, don't skip past this article!

While using the iPhone, there are confusing situations that make users confused and don't know how to fix them. iPhones with scratched film are also among them. In fact, this is quite a serious condition and you probably can't fix it at home.

iPhone has scratched film - Signs, causes and how to fix Picture 1iPhone has scratched film - Signs, causes and how to fix Picture 1

What is scratched film on iPhone? Why does this happen?

First, the admin will help you better understand the film. Film is one of the components that make up the screen of every smartphone, including the iPhone. This is the color layer displayed on top of the screen, providing color for the device's screen. When this part is damaged, in addition to scratches on the film, there are some common signs such as:

  1. The iPhone screen becomes yellow when the device is old and weak. A yellow-colored screen is one of the easily recognizable signs of damaged film.
  2. If the film is torn, water-soaked, etc., it can lead to the image being displayed on the entire screen being dark. Or some points on the screen are blurry and no longer sharp.
  3. The iPhone screen has scratches on the inside screen, not the outside glass layer of the phone. And replacing the iPhone glass does not fix this problem.

So why does the iPhone have film scratches?

Your phone has been used for a long time, so the parts are gradually 'aging' and vulnerable, and it is understandable that the film shows signs of deterioration.

The iPhone is subject to unexpected strong impacts such as falling, hitting hard objects, or having the device soaked in water, crushed, exposed to chemicals. This is one of the main reasons why the hardware can fail. The entire film part is damaged.

You have replaced the glass (also known as phone glass pressing) but the repairer was not careful, unprofessional, or had technical errors, so scratches on the film appeared after replacing the glass.

iPhone has scratched film - Signs, causes and how to fix Picture 3iPhone has scratched film - Signs, causes and how to fix Picture 3

What to do when iPhone has scratched film?

It can be seen that this is a hardware-related problem and the best solution is to immediately go to a reputable phone repair center, or an iPhone warranty center (if still under warranty). Skilled technicians will thoroughly check and offer the best solution for your device.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although there are still some types of film scratch removal solutions for phones. But the admin still advises you not to arbitrarily handle it at home. Because the screen is an important part of every smartphone, including the iPhone. If not handled promptly and accurately, the machine will face many other risks.

TipsMake has revealed some information about iPhone scratched film. I hope that you 'defective apples' have a better understanding of this issue and don't forget to bring your phone to be checked and repaired immediately!


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