Instagram is committed to adjusting the algorithm to limit the display of 'possibly harmful' content to users

Instagram has just made a commitment to adjust the algorithm to remove as much 'possibly harmful' content as possible on the platform and reach users.

If you compare social networks to a giant tropical rainforest, besides the diversity of the ecosystem, there are useful entertainment content, there will also be dangers hidden in the form of toxic content. harmful, can negatively affect the psychology of users.

To solve the problem, Instagram has just made a commitment to adjust the algorithm to remove as much 'possibly harmful' content as possible on the platform and reach users. The company says the algorithm that supports the ordering of posts in users' feeds and in Stories will now prioritize content that 'may contain bullying, hate speech' or incite violence…'.

In fact, Instagram's current community rules have also relatively completely banned these types of content. However, the algorithmic changes are expected to create a more proactive form of malicious content prevention, especially content that hasn't reached or been overlooked by the platform's moderation team. . The algorithm will try to predict the posts you are likely to report and rank them in the individual feed.

Instagram is committed to adjusting the algorithm to limit the display of 'possibly harmful' content to users Picture 1Instagram is committed to adjusting the algorithm to limit the display of 'possibly harmful' content to users Picture 1

Up until now, Instagram has tried to hide objectionable content from publicly visible areas of the app, such as in Explore, but has not changed how it is displayed. for users who follow accounts that post this type of content. New tweaks to the algorithm mean that posts with content deemed 'similar' to previously deleted posts will be less visible even to followers.

Additionally, Instagram will also downgrade potentially offensive posts in an individual's feed based on their content reporting history. These changes only affect individual posts, not the overall account. Instagram will also send warnings to violators as to why their posts have been removed.

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