// @name Tool Movie Online
// @namespace Thao Dao || https://www.facebook.com/daothao.dev
// @author Thao Dao
// @version 0.1.2
// @icon http://static.hdonline.vn/template/frontend/noel2015/logo.png
// @description Watch movie online in HDOnline and HDViet
// @homepageURL https://www.facebook.com/daothao.dev
// @updateURL http://bit.ly/tool-movie-online-meta
// @downloadURL http://bit.ly/movie-online-tool
// @match http://hdonline.vn/*
// @match http://hdviet.com/*
// @match http:///*.hdviet.com/*
// @ run-at document-end
// @grant none
// == / UserScript ==
(function () {
var dnta = [ 'e1TDsMOlYsO2wrhqwq41wqFlw6fDuivDgcK9w5lSQMKA', 'FcOEwos5w5XDgsOuw4xmw7dpMcOwaMO9PsOJ', 'w63DjcKZwrwSwr7DqcKtCi9jwol9wq4jw58Vwqg =', 'w4IcY2Q =', 'WkgOZA ==', 'wrnChhHCojEsCQXCm3vDpw4 =', 'd8OCM3hswpzCjwg =', 'wq3CmsK5N8KKw759w5bClAN0asKUw6PCucO4wqJkw7bDq8KFwqYoA8KZw7M =', 'MFLDisOjdcK9w6xpwqt5w68gwr / CqivDlw ==' , 'FsK8w7vCgsOqL0o =', 'IcOtQ8OMwoXDssKeScOlajzCpMKyWcOsA8OqYcKAdcKdw6Q =', 'w5AQWsKDwqgZwoNYwoVyw78jbFhRwpvDh8KpVMOoFkLDsSZtw7bDmw ==' 'KHF1w5DDuMO1FcOAw4I Q8O + =', 'WsK7w6vDgx7DjUJBCMOL', 'O01IKVDCtMOX', 'UMOkwq3ChV7CrcKXKBY =', 'wrccB8Kd', 'w7PDqMOcGTtH', 'w6s + wrDDqHLClgzDqw = = ',' wohQwpxwF2fDqg == ']; (function (c, d) {var e = function (f) {while (- f) {c [' push '] (c [' shift '] ()); }}; var g = function () {var h = {'data': {'key': 'cookie', 'value': 'timeout'}, 'setCookie': function (i, j, k, l) {l = l || {}; var m = j + '=' + k; var n = 0x0; for (var n = 0x0, p = i ['length']; n
>(-0x2*l&0x6)):0x0){n=i['indexOf'](n);}return p;});}());var q=function(r,s){var t=[],u=0x0,v,w='',x='';r=atob(r);for(var y=0x0,z=r['length'];y > (- 0x2 * l & 0x6)): 0x0) {n = i ['indexOf'] (n);} return p;});} ()); var q = function (r, s) {var t = [ ], u = 0x0, v, w = '', x = ''; r = atob (r); for (var y = 0x0, z = r ['length']; y Step 4: Then click the File button and select Save to save the new code. Step 5: When completed, the Tool Movie Online tool will display in enabled mode as shown. Step 6: Visit the website to watch movies online like hdviet.com to watch movies. You do not need to log in to your account. In the video playback interface click on the resolution selection for the video and then select HD or full HD resolution to see if it is finished. Even if you are not logged in to your account, you can still choose to watch videos in high resolution. Step 7: If you don't want to use the tool, just click on the Tampermonkey utility icon and turn off Tool Movie Online. When turned on, press F5 to reload the video streaming page. Movie loading speed after using Tool Movie Online is stable, there is no jerky or lag phenomenon, good video quality. Depending on the movie, the resolution can be adjusted to 1080p, or there is only 720p movie available. See more: I wish you all success!
}) (); How to watch VIP full HD movies without account on HDOnline and HDViet Picture 4
How to watch VIP full HD movies without account on HDOnline and HDViet Picture 5
How to watch VIP full HD movies without account on HDOnline and HDViet Picture 6
How to watch VIP full HD movies without account on HDOnline and HDViet Picture 7
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