How to play Ultra Cold mode - Cold Front Survival PUBG Mobile

Here are some notes in Extreme Cold mode - Cold Front Survival in PUBG Mobile. Take a look to know what to do when participating in this mode.

Among the modes that PUBG Mobile has updated for players, Cold Front Survival mode, also known as Extreme Cold mode is a special mode of PUBG Mobile. Because this mode does not help gamers do not have more helicopters or grenade launchers, but it will make gamers more miserable than that.

This mode will make many people confused because it is different from the previous modes because it forces players to survive in a different way. You will have to look for fire sources from firewood, candles, warm bags and animals so you can maintain your body temperature.

So to survive in this Ultra Cold mode, how about, please refer to the information below.

What is Cold Front Survival mode?

Cold Front Survival mode will only take place on the Vikendi map to suit the weather of the map. In Extreme Cold mode, you get a bar that shows your body temperature. If the bar is below the safe level, you will lose blood continuously until the bar is filled again.

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Normally this column will not change, but every 5 minutes there will be a snowstorm dragging down to reduce your temperature quickly. If you do not find the heat source in time, you will die before the blizzard is over.

The heat sources that you can create in this mode are many, including firewood, heating lamps, animals, warm keeping bags to maintain your body temperature. Check out the ways to keep your character cool below.

Keeps the character heat in Extreme Cold mode PUBG Mobile


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You can find branches everywhere in the Vikendi map when participating in Extreme cold mode. The rate of appearance of this item is quite a lot, so be assured that you will not freeze to death. When you light a fire, you can add firewood to the furnace to increase the time the fire burns, each firewood has a burning time of 15 seconds.


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Animals in this Cold Front Survival mode will include wild chicken and deer. To get their meat, shoot and kill them, then light a fire and grill. Eating barbecue will also restore a certain level of body temperature.

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Heating lamp

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Heating lamps have a lower chance of appearing in PUBG Mobile, they appear in the support box and you can take them in your hand to warm yourself. Of course, when you run a lamp, you cannot use weapons.

In addition, the heating lamp also has an energy bar, so it is limited over time. So prioritize other sources of fire.

Warm keeping bag

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A warm bag can help you resist cold and restore warmth in 30 seconds. This is a fairly rare item.


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In addition, Ultra Cold mode will have a new item for you, which is Drone. A drone, which helps you keep track of enemies safely and only lasts for 5 minutes. However, the player will not be able to move anything but have to stand still when controlling the Drone, so please find somewhere discreet and "act" offline.

Some other tips for Ultra Cold mode

Now outside the circle and enemies lurking around, you will have to deal with snowstorms. At the beginning of the game, you will have 10 minutes before the blizzard hits. If you do not prepare well before the storm hits, you will definitely die before being eaten by the blood and bullets of the enemy. Here are some tips for you when participating in this freezing mode.

  1. Driving can also freeze to death, however, if a car is found
  2. Choose a low-pass home to make sure no one is bothering you during the heat
  3. Prioritize heating and recovery items before the snowstorm arrives.

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In the blizzard you will see fire symbols appear. These are locations where other players create fire. This is the information you need to strategize destroying the next enemies. Get close to these areas near the fire.

After the blizzard is over, you will have 5 minutes to collect additional resources for the next storm. In the meantime, you should take advantage of the bo inside because if you are outside the bo during the next storm, you will definitely not be able to leave the house and run into the bo, your blood will drop extremely fast.

If you have a Drone, save it for the last round, at that time there will be no more blizzards, so focus on destroying the enemy.

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