Experienced Violin Instructor
Having trouble narrowing it down? Dalia Miguel, a violin teacher, says: "If you're interested in playing an instrument, find a teacher and ask for a trial lesson. A lot of teachers are willing to do that, and then you can borrow or rent an instrument for a few days to get a feel for whether you'll enjoy it."
Tip: You can also ask musicians if an instrument is difficult to learn or not – but keep in mind that what's easy for one person may be challenging for another.
Tip: You don't necessarily have to buy a new instrument. A quality used instrument typically will serve you just as well. Many schools and music societies also have rental programs.
Tip: Hold your instrument in front of a mirror to check if you're holding it correctly and make tweaks where needed.
Tip: To motivate yourself when you don't feel like practicing, watch a video of your favorite musician playing your instrument or start your session with a fun song that you enjoy.
Tip: Some instruments, such as a bass guitar, only play notes on the bass clef, while others only play treble clef notes. Instruments such as the piano play both treble and bass notes.