How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error
The "Please wait for the GPSVC" loop error in Windows is an annoying problem that can cause the system to get stuck at shutdown. This loop is related to Group Policy Client Service (GPSVC).
Let's take a look at the solutions you can try to fix the problem!
Set up a PC for troubleshooting
To start troubleshooting, you must be able to access your system. This can be done in two ways; you can do a Windows restart to break the loop using the Ctrl + Alt + Delete menu or enter Safe Mode.
If you have tried rebooting but the error reappears, you can boot into Safe Mode through the Windows Recovery Environment.
This will launch the system with a set of only the necessary drivers and services. Once you're in Safe Mode, you can take the next steps to diagnose and fix the problem.
Here's how you can do it:
1. Shut down your computer and use the power button to restart it.
2. When the computer is loading, use the power button to force shutdown again. You can do this by pressing and holding the power button).
3. Repeat this operation twice and on the third attempt, Windows will automatically boot into the Recovery Environment.
4. Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options .
How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error Picture 1
5. Click Startup settings and select Restart .
6. Wait for the computer to restart and then press the 4, 5 or 6 key to boot into Safe Mode.
Once you are in Safe Mode, continue with the solutions that the article lists below.
1. Restart the Group Policy Client service
The GPSVC service itself may be dealing with a temporary glitch or a corruption bug causing the service to malfunction. The easiest way to fix problems with the service is to restart the service.
Here's how you can do it:
1. Press the Win + R key combination to open Run.
2. Type "services.msc" in Run and press Enter.
3. In the following window, find the Group Policy Client service and right click on it.
4. Select Properties from the context menu.
How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error Picture 2
5. Now click the Stop button , wait a few seconds and click Start .
6. Expand the Startup type drop-down list and select Automatic .
7. Click Apply > OK to save the changes.
Now you can exit the service window and check if the problem is resolved.
2. Reset Local Group Policy settings
How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error Picture 3
As mentioned earlier, there may be a problem with the Local Group Policy settings. To check if this is the case for you, you can reset the Local Group Policy settings. This will restore the configuration to its default state, removing any potential conflicts that could cause problems.
Before you proceed, however, it's important to note that this will also remove any customizations or modifications you've made via GPE.
If that's not the problem, follow these steps to continue:
- Press the Win + R key combination to open Run.
- Type "cmd" in Run and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter .
- Select Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
- In Command Prompt, execute the command below:
RD /S /Q "%WinDir%System32GroupPolicyUsers" && RD /S /Q "%WinDir%System32GroupPolicy"
- Once the command is executed, continue with the following command:
gpupdate.exe /force
- Finally, restart the computer and check if the problem is resolved.
3. Modify the GPSVC . registry file
It is also possible that the GPSVC registry keys are missing or corrupted, which prevents the service from working properly. Such problems can be overcome by modifying the relevant values as shown below.
Before proceeding, you should make a backup of the Registry just to be safe. Once that's done, follow these steps to continue:
1. Press the Win + R key combination to open Run.
2. Type "regedit" in Run and press Enter.
3. Click Yes in the User Account Contro prompt.
4. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the location below:
ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSvchost
5. Right click on Svchost and select New > Key .
6. Name this key GPSvcGroup.
7. Double-click GPSvcGroup and right-click anywhere in the right pane.
8. Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and rename this value to AuthenticationCapabilities .
9. Double-click AuthenticationCapabilities and select Base to Decimal .
10. Enter "12320" in the Value data and click OK.
How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error Picture 4
11. Now, create another key CoInitializeSecurityParam in the same way.
12. Select Base as Hexadecimal and enter "1" in Value data .
How to fix 'Please Wait for the GPSVC' loop error Picture 5
13. Click OK to save the changes and then restart the PC. Hopefully on reboot you will no longer get this error.
In addition to these specific fixes, you can also try performing a system restore or system scan using the built-in Windows SFC and DISM tools. System Restore will help revert the system to an earlier, error-free state, while performing a system scan will help fix any corruptions that may have contributed to the problem.
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