Guide bullet points in Excel

The bullet operation in Excel is not the same as when you enter content in Word using the - key on the keyboard. When we enter the - key on the keyboard, there will be an error #NAME?.

 If you want bullet points in Excel, you need to do it in a different, very simple method without any support tools. The following article will guide you through bullet points in Excel.

How to strike a bullet in Excel with keyboard shortcuts

To strike a bullet in Excel with a keyboard shortcut, we must combine the apostrophe key (') before the - to display the dash for the content.

Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 1Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 1

Then you enter the content as usual and press Enter to end the content. As a result we have bulleted as shown below.

Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 2Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 2


How to bullet point Excel with Windows characters

Windows provides a character table with different characters, including dashes. First, press the Windows + key combination; to open the special character table in the computer.

Now we select the Symbols icon and then click on the Math character below. Now click on the long dash to display the bullet point in Excel. There are also many other characters you can use as bullet points.

Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 3Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 3

You must pay attention to the selection of the long dash icon, if you choose the short dash icon, the #NAME? in Excel.

How to insert Excel line dots with keyboard shortcuts

In addition to bullet points in Excel, you can create Excel line dots with keyboard shortcuts.

If you want to insert a leading white dot in Excel , enter the key combination Alt + 9 (or Alt + Function + 9).

Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 4Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 4

To insert a bullet point in Excel , press Alt + 7 (or Alt + Function + 7).


Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 5Guide bullet points in Excel Picture 5

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