Google Pages stores ... trojans

A trojan has been discovered on the web hosting service provider of the world famous Internet search provider - Google. Google Pages is a new service from Google that allows users to create their own websites.

A trojan has been discovered on the web hosting service provider of the world famous Internet search provider - Google.

Google Pages is a new service from Google that allows users to create their own websites.

A malicious attacker uploaded the malicious file to Google's service server , said Dan Hubbard, director of security research for Websense Security Labs.

The aforementioned trojan hides silently on the user's own web storage system and only works when they log into an online banking site to steal their personal information through recording keyboard operations, security firm Websense said.

Google Pages stores ... trojans Picture 1Google Pages stores ... trojans Picture 1 Although security firm Websense has detected the presence of this trojan on Google Pages service servers, it has not received any notification of fake emails or instant messages so far. to entice users to click on malicious links or download dangerous files.

" Although this is a zero-day security threat, the level of danger is not high ," Hubbard said. " But it has to do with a big name in the world Internet market, so it has attracted the attention of security firms ."

Google claims they will soon fix this problem.

" Google Page Creator allows users to upload and store files for their own websites. We know that some users have uploaded some dangerous files. We were quick. remove these sites, "said a Google spokesperson. " We are working hard to find a long-term solution to counteract these types of hazards. But we encourage users to continue to notify us whenever they discover a file. Malicious messages are stored on service servers ".

Just recently, Google's social networking service website - Orkut - has been attacked by a new computer worm. Worms MW.Orc also aims to steal personal account information of users.

Hoang Dung

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