Deep Bagle-DO: 'I have nude photos of Paris Hilton'

Security experts are now warning about a new computer worm that spreads strongly on the Internet by using various impersonation techniques.

Deep Bagle-DO: 'I have nude photos of Paris Hilton' Picture 1Deep Bagle-DO: 'I have nude photos of Paris Hilton' Picture 1 Security experts are now warning about a new computer worm that spreads strongly on the Internet by using various impersonation techniques.

This new type of worm can be forged to provide users with nude pictures of famous film actor Paris Hilton or threaten to conduct legal actions .

Deep Bagle-DO spreads through e-mails titled "Pay your debts before we come to you" (Please pay your debts before we reach you), "Call to your lawer [sic] immidiately [ sic] "(Call your lawyer immediately)," Lawsuit against you, "(You will be sued) or" We wait your response "(We wait for your answer).

These e-mails all require users to open "lawsuit.exe, explanation.exe or documents.exe" attachments. If users open these files, the Bagle-DO worm will break into their computers and continue to spread by exploiting the email addresses available on the infected computer.

"Those who receive e-mails like this should be calm and believe they don't really target you or your company. But the bad thing is that sometimes users want to recommend the author of the email. like this they sent the wrong address, "said Graham Cluley, senior technology advisor with Sophos security firm.

"If someone opens an attachment, they run the risk of helping the Bagle-DO worm continue to spread more aggressively."

If the infected computer has the same software shared by the Bagle-DO worm, it will install itself in shared folders with fake names containing nude photos of actress Kate Beckinsale, Paris Hilton or female singer. Britney Spears.


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