Google changes the star rating mechanism for Android apps on Play Store

Applications on Play Store will be applied by Google with a new rating mechanism to help reflect the application quality more accurately.

Applications on Play Store will be applied by Google with a new rating mechanism to help reflect the application quality more accurately. Specifically, the number of stars assigned by the user for the most recent updates will be displayed first.

Currently on Play Store there are many applications that can be rated up to 5 stars with the first updates, but then the number of stars still does not change even though the quality of the updates then gets worse. This makes many users mistakenly believe it is still a good application.

Google changes the star rating mechanism for Android apps on Play Store Picture 1Google changes the star rating mechanism for Android apps on Play Store Picture 1

Google said that the average star rating system of all existing Android apps on Google Play will be updated. The average rating of the app will be based on the current quality, reflecting all that the developer has done and improved on the application instead of a lifelong cumulative value.

This change will make it easier for users to know the current state of the application.

Currently, app search results on the Google Play SEO Store are displayed based on a combination of factors such as application name, keywords, downloads, reviews, descriptions and star ratings and many factors. other. Therefore, it is still not known how the mechanism of how the application will affect Google Play Store SEO.

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