Functional foods used to be effective?

Using functional foods so as to be effective and correct is a question that many people care about. This article, Quantrimang will help you find the answer. Let's check it out!

More and more people trust and choose to use functional foods (TPCN). However, many people are still wondering whether or not food supplements are really as good as the advertisement. Use food supplements correctly and effectively. This article, Quantum will help you answer questions around the type of product that is causing this mixed opinion. Let's refer to offline!

Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 1Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 1

I. What are functional foods?

Functional foods are foods that not only provide basic nutrition but also function to prevent disease and enhance health through antioxidants such as:

  1. Beta-carotene
  2. Lycopen
  3. Lutein
  4. Vitamin C, vitamin E . fiber and some other ingredients.

The first mentioned functional foods are those that, in their natural form, have beneficial substances in large quantities. Next is the food group with less active ingredients, must supplement or purify concentrates in the form of ease of use, or cause genetic changes to increase the content of some beneficial substances.

Benefits that food supplements bring to people

  1. Functional foods to supplement nutrients and substances that function in a way that the body cannot provide itself or synthesize.
  2. Some dietary supplements can replace meals when there are no normal eating and drinking conditions.
  3. Functional foods are formulated in refined form so it is convenient and easy to use as well as preserved.
  4. Diverse products and suitable for the basic status of each person.
  5. Users can choose to buy products at different addresses.
  6. When using functional foods, users can take care of themselves. Change your habits to have a healthy diet and a healthy, healthy lifestyle.

II. Using food supplements right?

1. Do not arbitrarily use functional foods

Functional foods are those derived from food products that have been modified and processed in order to bring some physiological effects to health benefits in addition to providing basic nutrients. The food supplements are sold with packaging bottles like medicine bottles and dosage forms are tablets, capsules are just like pills but not considered drugs. On the label, the packaging of food supplements must clearly state: "This is not a medicine and cannot be used to replace medicine".

Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 2Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 2

Herbal medicine, mostly medicinal herbs, is one of the products called medicinal herbs and medicinal materials in general, the ingredients used as medicine are mainly plants (herbs) but can be dynamic. objects (such as geckos, walrus .) or minerals (borax, talc .). In many cases, food supplements are an intermediary between food and medicine. Therefore, if the drug in general can cause allergies, food supplements can also cause this adverse effect.

Therefore, according to health experts, consumers should not arbitrarily use functional foods without the doctor's appointment.

2. Tips for you

  1. When taking any supplements if abnormal reactions such as: Itching, hives, difficulty breathing, or feeling very uncomfortable, stop taking the medicine immediately and come back to the doctor who has prescribed the medicine to the doctor. for proper management.
  2. If you have been allergic to any type of TPCN, do not use it at all.
  3. When you see a doctor or go to a pharmacy, tell your doctor or pharmacist what types of allergies you have had and what drugs are currently being used.
  4. Should not buy on the portable line, because it is not possible to guarantee the source of food supplements, it is difficult to have someone who will stand responsible for your health when there is a problem.
  5. Food supplements should not be overused as a daily supplement, and do not treat the safety of food supplements as normal foods.

Instead, we should have nutrition from natural food sources, ensure adequate nutrition for our body, thus both have a strong body, lots of energy, and avoid the Unnecessary risk when using supplements.

III. Notes when buying functional foods

1. Determine the purpose when buying food supplements

On the market today there are many food supplements are sold in many forms such as tablets, water, powder. Each has different uses:


  1. Blackmores Bio C 1000mg - Reference price: 290,000 VND. Has the effect of providing vitamin C, accelerating and healing the wound quickly through its role in collagen production.
  2. Blackmores Pregnancy and Breast Feeding Gold - Reference price: 590,000 VND. There is an effect to support the development of healthy bones and teeth.
  3. Blackmores Women's Vitality Multi - Reference price: 558,000 VND. Has the effect of providing useful minerals for women.

Some types of supplements will help with weight gain and weight loss. You need to know your purpose of use and understand what your body is having to choose the right product.

Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 3Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 3

2. Product origin

When buying any product, you should also consider their origin and origin. Especially when the food market is at risk of being counterfeited and sold rampant. When buying poor quality goods, you not only have to suffer financial loss, unmet need for care, but also suffer from serious and threatening health consequences.

3. Carefully check the composition of food supplements

You need to read carefully the parameters and ingredients of supplements. Because some ingredients make your body allergic or redundant. For example, vitamin B helps to absorb nutrients well, which will be significant for people who are suffering from a deficiency of vitamin B content in the body but if too much will lead to memory loss. , increase liver enzymes .

4. Know how to distinguish between genuine and counterfeit goods

  1. Distinguish by barcode: You can use the software to check the barcode printed on the product packaging. Just scanning the UPC code of TPCN the information of the product will appear clearly.
  2. Color images on packaging: Fake products are usually quite sketchy, you can distinguish when choosing. The image is blurry, the color is blurry, the information printed on the package is blurred or misspelled
  3. There are anti-counterfeit stamps: Genuine products will have additional stamps clearly stating the import unit and anti-fake goods stamps.

5. Precautions for price matrix

Product cost is also an issue that you need to keep in mind, because of the same components and functions that are different from each other. Not the high price, the product will be better. The price of functional food must be equivalent to the value it brings, especially for your health.

6. Pay attention to diet

The nutritional ingredients in food supplements are actually present in the vast majority of everyday natural foods. According to the American Nutrition Association, a well-balanced and varied diet will make the body need it. If it is too busy to add nutrients from natural foods, the use of functional products will help the body strengthen the immune system, metabolism, support the prevention or treatment of some diseases better.

Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 4Functional foods used to be effective? Picture 4

IV. Where to buy food supplements?

Selecting a reliable and reliable address to buy supplements will help you feel secure when using. Currently is distributing TPCN product lines from Australia's famous Blackmores brand with a commitment to sell genuine products with certification of Blackmores origin.

If you want to buy and use food supplements, you can contact the hotline number below for best advice and service:

  1. In Hanoi:
  2. In HCMC:
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