The great effects of zinc for men

What effects does zinc have on men? Check out this article to get the answer

Since ancient times, zinc (often called Zinc ) is considered an element that has miraculous effects on men's health. However, their true effects are not known to everyone. If you are interested in this issue, please refer to our article to get an answer.

The great effects of zinc for men Picture 1The great effects of zinc for men Picture 1

I. The great effects of zinc for men

1. Enhance physiological health and density of male sex hormones

Men's Health called zinc a "gold" mineral. And the fact that it affects fertility, physiological strength and sustains long-term reproductive health for men.

Zinc is an essential element for sperm production, and most cases of low sperm count and male sex hormones are due to zinc deficiency.

You know, every ejaculation men can use about 5 milligrams of zinc, equivalent to about half the amount of zinc that the man's body absorbed in 1 day. So if you want to get married or plan to have a baby, you should take zinc supplements to boost your reproductive health.

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2. Reduce the risk of prostate cancer

Zinc plays an important role in maintaining and developing prostate health.

A recent study has shown that prostate cancer tissue contains significantly lower amounts of zinc than other organ tissues. Zinc can be found in all organs, tissues and cells in the human body, especially in men. The prostate contains more zinc than all other tissues except bone.

When men enter middle age, they tend to have less exercise and nutrition so they change accordingly, resulting in insufficient zinc intake in a day. People with large zinc deficiency often have an increased risk of prostate enlargement (benign prostate BPH) and prostatitis. They also have a higher rate of prostate cancer.

3. Increase sperm movement

If you plan a future father, having a healthy married life and healthy sperm is not enough. They need to be able to move well.

The sperm's ability to move is related to the strength and endurance of sperm cells when they swim to the egg for fertilization. Sperm having poor mobility is one of the causes of infertility in men.

If you have less than 50% of sperm moving, one of the reasons may be lack of vitamins and lack of nutrients, including zinc deficiency.

4. Reduce the risk of alcoholic liver cancer

Science has demonstrated that low levels of zinc in adults may be associated with alcohol-related liver risks. Zinc supplementation may reduce this risk because zinc can enhance enzymes that dissolve alcohol in alcohol. Zinc is also used to enhance liver immunity, as well as promote metal detoxifying compounds to reduce inflammation to a minimum.

5. Protect thyroid

Zinc is an important mineral in the process of producing thyroid-stimulating hormones. In men, if this process is interrupted, it will lead to a reduction in the amount of male sex hormones, especially the situation will be more serious for alcohol users. If you are facing symptoms of thyroid and alcoholic drinks, consider taking zinc supplements.

At the intracellular level, zinc is essential to help receptor nuclei regulate DNA reading.

II. What is zinc supplementation for men?

Understanding the importance of zinc, people will find ways to add this element to the body. But how to supplement it to achieve the highest efficiency? Here are some ways to help you take safe and effective zinc supplements:

1. Add via daily diet

A diet with zinc-rich foods is also an ideal zinc supplement. You can choose foods such as oysters, shrimp, crabs, green vegetables, whole grains . to eat daily. These are all foods that contain a lot of zinc, don't miss.

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2. Supplementing zinc with functional foods

A reasonable diet, with the above foods, can help you supplement the amount of zinc deficiency. However, not everyone has time to take care of each meal. If you are too busy with your schedule, you can also offer another way to supplement zinc, which is to use dietary supplements to take zinc supplements.

>> You can consult Health Protection Zinc Citrate 30 MG Solgar

Coming from the famous brand of Solgar in the US, zinc pills are chosen and appreciated by many consumers. With a selling price of only VND 500,000, you can experience the great effects of the product.

The great effects of zinc for men Picture 4The great effects of zinc for men Picture 4

In addition to zinc, the product also provides more essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

For the best effect, you should use a course of 2 - 3 months.

Composition of Solgar Zinc Citrate 30 MG:

  1. Zinc (Zinc Citrate) 30 mg
  2. Microcrystalline Cellulose
  3. Cellulose plant
  4. Magnesium Stearate plant
  5. Plant Stearic Acid.

Usage: Drink immediately after meals. Adults take 1 capsule x once a day.

III. Note when using zinc supplements

  1. When taking zinc, you should use Vitamin C, B6, A and Phosphorus. Because these substances increase the absorption of zinc.
  2. Avoid excessive supplements because taking a lot of zinc can reduce immunity.
  3. Do not use more than 150mg daily.
  4. If both iron and zinc are used, use it separately, use zinc first to avoid obstruction of zinc absorption.

The above is the knowledge of zinc use as well as note when adding them to men. If you have any questions, or need advice on products, you can leave us a comment.

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