What is Ginkgo Biloba? What is the effect of Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba and its true health effects have always been one of the many concerns.


If you are interested in brain health and memory, you must have heard of Ginkgo Biloba. So what is Ginkgo Biloba ? How to work with health. TipsMake.com's article will shed light on these issues!


  1. What is Ginkgo Biloba?
  2. Ginkgo Biloba effects with health
  3. Those who should and should not use Ginkgo Biloba brain tonic

What is Ginkgo Biloba?

Ginkgo Biloba is the scientific name of a ginkgo tree that has been present on the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. This plant is abundant in Europe and some Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, China. In France, people often call it Tanakan.

According to experts, in Ginkgo Biloba leaves contain many precious ingredients, good for aging nerves such as amino acids, flavonoids, terpenoids, . That's why more and more products from Ginkgo Biloba are available in the market.

What is Ginkgo Biloba? What is the effect of Ginkgo Biloba? Picture 1What is Ginkgo Biloba? What is the effect of Ginkgo Biloba? Picture 1

Ginkgo Biloba medicinal plant

Ginkgo Biloba effects with health

Ginkgo Biloba is like the "god of medicine" for nerves and seniors thanks to great uses such as:

  1. Improve and enhance memory
  2. Help reduce nervous stress due to work and study pressure
  3. Support for treatment of memory disorders, intellectual impairment, early Alzheimer's disease and behavioral disorders in the elderly
  4. Reduces peripheral neuropathic pain due to peripheral artery occlusion, raynaud's disease, phlebitis, .
  5. Prevent and treat stroke
  6. Treatment of dizziness, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, visual impairment due to cerebral ischemia.

What is Ginkgo Biloba? What is the effect of Ginkgo Biloba? Picture 2What is Ginkgo Biloba? What is the effect of Ginkgo Biloba? Picture 2

Ginkgo Biloba and its wonderful uses for the brain

Those who should and should not use Ginkgo Biloba brain tonic

With regulating and enhancing brain circulation, Ginkgo Biloba drugs are recommended for:

  1. People with stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression
  2. Elderly people with memory impairment, irritability, behavioral disorders
  3. Patients with ischemia, brain injury, cerebral edema
  4. People with vestibular disorders, often with dizziness, tinnitus
  5. Patients with retinal damage
  6. Patients with peripheral artery occlusion
  7. People with Raynaud's syndrome, phlebitis

Contraindications: Women who are pregnant or nursing, children under 12 years of age, people with coagulopathy, epilepsy patients, .

Hopefully our article has helped you understand what Ginkgo Biloba is as well as its uses. Visit META.vn for detailed support.

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