Top 7 foods that contain the most zinc

Zinc is good for human health, and at any age, especially in men. You can supplement this nutrient at home with 7 foods below.

Zinc not only enhances resistance for all ages but is also extremely good for male reproductive health. Add this nutrient immediately to your family with the most zinc-rich foods by the following article.

Top 7 foods that contain the most zinc Picture 1Top 7 foods that contain the most zinc Picture 1

1. Oysters

A medium sized oyster contains 5.3 mg of zinc. This shelled seafood is rich in protein and other nutrients and vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B-12, iron and selenium. Eating oysters also helps you increase your 'love', especially for men.

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2 Seafood

Lobster and crab are rich in zinc. Some types of fish such as sardine, salmon and flounder also have zinc but less. Eating a lot of seafood is good for general health and cardiovascular health in particular.

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3. Meat

Beef, pork and chicken not only provide protein but also help you supplement zinc. It's best to eat lean meat, remove fat and skin. With only 85 g, chicken breast will give you 0.9 mg of zinc. Eggs are also a notable source of zinc. A big egg contains 0.6 mg of this important nutrient.

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4. Nuts

Nuts are also excellent sources of zinc. Pumpkin seeds, cashews, peanuts and chia seeds are all very good. You can eat these nuts or eat low-fat yogurt.

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5. Vegetables: Mushrooms, spinach, cauliflower .

Do you know mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, kale and garlic all rich in zinc? Add these vegetables to your diet every day to get enough zinc without worrying about weight gain.

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6. Cereals

It may be difficult to eat with some people, but oats, brown rice, or whole grain breads contain lots of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and will contain lots of zinc.

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7. Chocolate

Finally, a sweet chocolate dish also helps you enhance zinc. The more bitter the chocolate is, the better: 60-69% of cocoa will provide 5% of the amount of zinc needed per day, 70-85% of cocoa brings 6% of zinc. However, remember not only chocolate has zinc and do not eat more than 30 g of chocolate per day.

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Use of zinc supplements

In addition to natural food, you can use functional foods for convenient zinc supplementation and still be highly effective.

Health-protective food Zinc Citrate 30 MG Solgar (100 tablets) - META price: VND 500,000


Zinc Citrate 30 MG Solgar (100 capsules) has the effect of supplementing Zinc to enhance resistance. Supporting male sexual activity. Support to prevent prostate disease.

  1. Target users: Solar functional foods are particularly suitable for men's use needs to supplement vitamins and minerals for the body. People over the age of 19 need zinc supplements.
  2. Usage: Drink immediately after meals. Adults take 1 capsule x once a day.
    Storage: Dry, cool place and avoid sunlight.

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