Foods that should not be reheated

Some foods should not be reheated because they can cause poisoning or health risks.


After heating, seafood contains high protein content and is easily damaged, bacteria can easily multiply, leading to an increased risk of poisoning.

Secondary heating can cause the high fat and cholesterol content in seafood to oxidize, producing harmful substances and affecting health.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), fresh or cooked seafood left at room temperature may contain disease-causing bacteria, and reheating does not destroy these bacteria.

Bacteria can grow quickly on seafood between 4.5 and 60 degrees Celsius, so if you leave this food out of the refrigerator for more than two hours in cool weather or one hour in warm weather, you should cancel.

Foods that should not be reheated Picture 1Foods that should not be reheated Picture 1


Milk is rich in protein and lactose. Heating milk can cause protein and lactose to break down and affect its nutritional value.

In addition, during the secondary heating process, microorganisms in milk can also multiply, increasing the risk of poisoning.

Therefore, you should drink all pasteurized and sterilized milk at once.


Cooked eggs easily breed bacteria. The higher the temperature, the shorter the egg's shelf life. Hard-boiled eggs in their shells usually only last about a day at cool room temperature.

In addition, after heating for the second time, the protein in eggs is easily decomposed and can easily cause food poisoning.

Stir-fried vegetables

Heating vegetables repeatedly will cause vitamins and fiber to decompose, reducing their nutritional value and can lead to the formation of nitrites, a potential health risk.


Mushrooms contain a lot of choline, which can produce harmful substances after heating a second time. Therefore, reheating mushrooms can easily cause food poisoning.

Leftovers can be an option for an office lunch or a simple dinner, but reheating food is a matter of caution. Users need to understand the characteristics and risks of different foods, and follow scientific safety principles to protect the health of themselves and their families.

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