Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings

Tutorial for making Olympic circular flash animation using Adobe Flash.

Tutorial for making Olympic circular flash animation using Adobe Flash.

1. Create a file with the parameters shown in Figure 1

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 1Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 1
Figure 1

2 Rename the layer to red, select the Oval Tool, remove the fill color, set the border color to red, draw a circle with the parameter W, H to be 100

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 2Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 2
Figure 2

3. Select View> Grid> Show Grid to make the 'grid' appear:

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 3Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 3
Figure 3

4 Similarly select View> Rulers to make the 'ruler' appear.

5. Click on Frame 1 of red layer and press F6 key on the keyboard 6 times to insert 6 KeyFrame:

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 4Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 4
Figure 4

6. Click on Frame 1 and use the Selection Tool to drag the rectangles and press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete most of the circle (Figure 5 illustrates Frame 2).

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 5Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 5
Figure 5

7. Do the same Step 6 for Frame 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Note that we do not perform the delete operation at the last Frame.
8. Create a new layer named blue, click on Frame 7 of this layer and press F6 to insert a KeyFrame:

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 6Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 6
Figure 6

9. Using the Oval Tool draw a blue circle about the same size as the red circle and repeat the steps in Step 5 and 6.

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 7Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 7
Figure 7

10. Create yellow, green, and pink layers and do the same to get 3 yellow, green, and pink circles:

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 8Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 8
Figure 8

11. Create a new layer named text. Select the Text Tool, set the text to red, the font, the appropriate size, and select the center

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 9Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 9
Figure 9

12. Press F6 6 times to insert 6 KeyFrame, and then delete the same words as Step 5, 6

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 10Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 10
Figure 10

13. At Frame 44 (equal to the last frame of the text layer) of layers red, blue, yellow, green, pink, right-click and select Insert Frame

Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 11Flash - 5 OLYMPIC rings Picture 11
Figure 11

14. Press Ctrl + Enter to see the result, download the source file here.

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