Feelings when reading The Magic Pen Picture 1
4 sample essays Feelings when reading The Magic Pen
The Magic Pen is a unique fairy tale of the Chinese and human fairy tale treasure. The story is about a smart and talented boy, with a magic pen in his hand, which greatly helped his life.
Ma Liang - the boy's name - is a character with strange talents. This type of character is common in fairy tales.
Ma Liang's talent did not come by accident. It was the result of a process - passion, hard work, combined with intelligence and innate talent. However, that talent could only become strange with the help of a magical force: God gave him a golden pen that could draw real objects.
But the question is why did the gods give Ma Liang the magic pen and not anyone else? Is this a worthy reward for those who have heart, talent, intelligence, and work hard to study and practice? And is it true that, by placing the magic pen in Ma Liang's hand, the gods also placed some faith and expectation in it? And Ma Liang did not disappoint the gods' expectations. With the magic pen in his hand, Ma Liang helped the poor people in the village. What is worth mentioning here is that Ma Liang did not draw rice, buffaloes, cows, goats, pigs, gold and silver for them, he only drew plows, hoes, lamps, shovels. Why is that? It can be said that it is just a small detail but the meaning is very profound. Ma Liang did not draw for them the available wealth for them to just enjoy. The boy drew for them the necessary means for life so that they could produce and create wealth. From Ma Liang's actions, the folk author wants to present a beautiful concept of life: the wealth enjoyed by humans must be created by humans themselves. That concept of life contains a humanistic spirit, creating for this fairy tale a layer of humanistic light that shines into the reader's soul.
Ma Liang thought he could live peacefully with his magic pen and the villagers. But the evil that still prevailed in life did not accept Ma Liang's actions. Representing evil were the landlord and the greedy and cruel king. With deep hatred, Ma Liang swung his magic pen, like a warrior swinging his sword of justice to sweep away all the trash in society, restore fairness and justice, and bring happiness to the people.
In the fight against evil, the folk author put Ma Liang in challenging situations from low to high, increasingly difficult and complicated. And strangely, in the most difficult situations, Ma Liang's qualities were affirmed: From not drawing anything for the landlord in the village to drawing the opposite of the king's wishes (the king told him to draw a dragon, he drew a toad; the king told him to draw a phoenix, he drew a chicken without feathers.); from punishing the landlord to escape (he chased Ma Liang to kill him, stole the magic brush), to actively destroying the evil to eliminate disaster for everyone (drawing ocean waves to drown the king and his evil courtiers.
The struggle between Ma Liang and evil is an unequal struggle: Ma Liang is alone, while the evil has a powerful force and power. Therefore, to destroy them, it is not enough to have courage and bravery with a magic pen, but also to have intelligence and cleverness. This quality of Ma Liang is clearly revealed in the struggle between him and the evil king.
When the king released Ma Liang, he promised to reward him with gold and silver and marry him a princess. Ma Liang pretended to agree. This made the king and his complacent courtiers lose their vigilance.
When the king asked Ma Liang to draw the sea, he drew a beautiful sea, vast, blue, without a ripple, clear as a mirror, with many fish of all colors, softly wagging their tails and swimming around. This made the king extremely happy.
Then Ma Liang let the fish swim farther and farther away, luring the king out into the open sea. When the king asked for a boat, Ma Liang drew a large boat that could carry all the queens, princesses, princes, and corrupt mandarins.
Finally, he used strong winds and big waves to bury them in the middle of the ocean.
The folk author had a special intention when he recounted in great detail how Ma Liang used his tricks to destroy the greedy and cruel king and his courtiers. Ma Liang's harsh punishment of the greedy and cruel landlord and king demonstrated the people's concept of social justice. On the other hand, through this action, the folk author wanted to affirm that talent is only truly valuable when it is used to serve the people, serve justice, and fight against evil; at the same time, he also affirmed that true art must belong to the people, to those who are kind, talented, and diligent in practicing.
The magic of the magic pen reminds us of the magic of the pen of the artist Behrman in The Last Leaf (a work by American writer O Henry) which created an immortal masterpiece, saving the life of a person who was at the threshold of death.
The Magic Pen not only has great value in terms of ideological content, but is also a very special fairy tale in terms of art. The story is built according to the unique and rich imagination of the people. With a series of interesting and evocative details, especially the construction of the image of the magic pen and its magical ability, the story has expressed people's dreams and helped them realize those dreams.
The fairy tale The Magic Pen is a dream about human belief, about human beings themselves. It is a dream and belief about the magical power of human beings. That dream and belief has helped human beings to constantly create and rise up.
As the years go by, people no longer need a magic pen to make their dreams come true. But that beautiful dream will last forever.
Based on the detailed outline, you can easily present your thoughts about your favorite characters, learn meaningful lessons from them to apply to life. You can refer to how to write a paragraph introducing a character in a book you have read here.
The Magic Pen is a unique fairy tale of the Chinese and human fairy tale treasure. The story is about a smart and talented boy, with a magic pen in his hand, which greatly helped his life.
Ma Liang - the boy's name - is a character with strange talents. This type of character is common in fairy tales.
Ma Liang's talent did not come by accident. It was the result of a process of passionate, diligent practice, combined with intelligence and innate talent. However, that talent could only become strange with the help of a magical force: God gave him a golden pen that could draw real objects.
But the question is why did the gods give Ma Liang the magic pen and not anyone else? Is this a worthy reward for those who have heart, talent, intelligence, and work hard to study and practice? And is it true that, by placing the magic pen in Ma Liang's hand, the gods also placed some faith and expectation in it? And Ma Liang did not disappoint the gods' expectations. With the magic pen in his hand, Ma Liang helped the poor people in the village. What is worth mentioning here is that Ma Liang did not draw rice, buffaloes, cows, goats, pigs, gold and silver for them, he only drew plows, hoes, lamps, shovels. Why is that? It can be said that it is just a small detail but the meaning is very profound. Ma Liang did not draw for them the available wealth for them to just enjoy. The boy drew for them the necessary means for life so that they could produce and create wealth. From Ma Liang's actions, the folk author wants to present a beautiful concept of life: the wealth enjoyed by humans must be created by humans themselves. That concept of life contains a humanistic spirit, creating for this fairy tale a layer of humanistic light that shines into the reader's soul.
Ma Liang thought he could live peacefully with his magic pen and the villagers. But the evil that still prevailed in life did not accept Ma Liang's actions. Representing evil were the landlord and the greedy and cruel king. With deep hatred, Ma Liang swung his magic pen, like a warrior swinging his sword of justice to sweep away all the trash in society, restore fairness and justice, and bring happiness to the people.
In the fight against evil, the folk author put Ma Liang in challenging situations from low to high, increasingly difficult and complicated. And strangely, in the most difficult situations, Ma Liang's qualities were affirmed: From not drawing anything for the landlord in the village to drawing the opposite of the king's wishes (the king told him to draw a dragon, he drew a toad; the king told him to draw a phoenix, he drew a chicken without feathers.); from punishing the landlord to escape (he chased Ma Liang to kill him, stole the magic brush), to actively destroying the evil to eliminate disaster for everyone (drawing ocean waves to drown the king and his evil courtiers.
The struggle between Ma Liang and evil is an unequal struggle: Ma Liang is alone, while the evil has a powerful force and power. Therefore, to destroy them, it is not enough to have courage and bravery with a magic pen, but also to have intelligence and cleverness. This quality of Ma Liang is clearly revealed in the struggle between him and the evil king.
When the king released Ma Liang, he promised to reward him with gold and silver and marry him a princess. Ma Liang pretended to agree. This made the king and his complacent courtiers lose their guard.
When the king asked Ma Liang to draw the sea, he drew a beautiful sea, vast, blue, without a ripple, clear as a mirror, with many fish of all colors, softly wagging their tails and swimming around. This made the king extremely happy.
Then Ma Liang let the fish swim farther and farther away, luring the king out into the open sea. When the king asked for a boat, Ma Liang drew a large boat that could carry all the queens, princesses, princes, and corrupt officials.
Finally, he used strong winds and big waves to bury them in the middle of the ocean.
The folk author had a special intention when he recounted in great detail how Ma Liang used his tricks to destroy the greedy and cruel king and his courtiers. Ma Liang's harsh punishment of the greedy and cruel landlord and king demonstrated the people's concept of social justice. On the other hand, through this action, the folk author wanted to affirm that talent is only truly valuable when it is used to serve the people, serve justice, and fight against evil; at the same time, he also affirmed that true art must belong to the people, to those who are kind, talented, and diligent in practicing.
The magic of the magic pen reminds us of the magic of the pen of the artist Behrman in The Last Leaf (a work by American writer O Henry) which created an immortal masterpiece, saving the life of a person who was at the threshold of death.
The Magic Pen not only has great value in terms of ideological content, but is also a very special fairy tale in terms of art. The story is built according to the unique and rich imagination of the people. With a series of interesting and evocative details, especially the construction of the image of the magic pen and its magical ability, the story has expressed people's dreams and helped them realize those dreams.
The fairy tale The Magic Pen is a dream about human belief, about human beings themselves. It is a dream and belief about the magical power of human beings. That dream and belief has helped human beings to constantly create and rise up.
As the years go by, people no longer need a magic pen to make their dreams come true. But that beautiful dream will last forever.
The story is about a boy named Ma Luong. He is a poor boy who is intelligent and passionate about learning to draw.
One day, I dreamed of an old man with white hair and beard showing me a magic brush. Ma Luong felt extremely grateful and I drew everything for the poor. Whatever I drew, it turned out to be true. The landlord forced me to draw for him, but thanks to the magic brush, I was freed. But the story did not end there. The king found out and forced me to go back to the palace to draw according to his wishes, but I refused and always drew ugly animals that did not follow his wishes. In the end, Ma Luong drew a fierce storm that sank the dragon boat and buried the evil king. After that, no one knew where I went. Some said I went everywhere using the magic brush to help the poor, and some said I returned to my hometown.
Reading the story, we see that when Ma Liang was given the magic brush, he did not draw anything for himself but only for the poor people. We see that his actions really make us admire him. He had nothing, no money, no comfortable life, but for him, it seemed that just those things alone made him feel satisfied. But we also see that he did not draw money or houses for the people but only hoes and shovels. Those are the most necessary things for the working people. And those are also the things that people can use for their daily lives and in the future, while money is just something that is fleeting and easily lost. He did not help them become parasites but on the contrary, they were workers with their own hands, that is the most honest work. Those were the poor people who he helped a lot, but he treated the greedy people completely the opposite. Ma Liang did not draw anything for the landlord even though he was locked in prison and starved. The pen in Ma Liang's hand when facing the cruel people became a weapon for him to fight against the greedy. The proof is that he drew bows and arrows to destroy the landlord and drew hurricanes to drown the cruel king in the strong water.
It can be said that Ma Liang is a true artist. The proof is that many people in society have the talent to paint, but only he was given a magic pen by the Buddha and only he dared to use the pen to fight against the tyrants and bring prosperity to the people but did not let them depend on the pen. That true pen always stands on the side of the people and never uses its pen to serve the wicked. The story of the "magic pen" is a typical story of ancient fairy tales and fairy tales often express the dreams of farmers. That is the belief that good always triumphs over evil, good is always helped and evil is punished appropriately. The magic pen is a detail of the people's imagination to carry out justice for the people. The magic pen helps the poor and is also a suitable tool to punish evil and greed. The story of "The Magic Pen" expresses the people's dream of having magical power and ability to help the poor people work more effectively, and at the same time punish the greedy and cruel. The story aims to affirm that true art is always associated with talent, virtue, passionate creativity and is only meaningful when it serves the legitimate purposes of humans. The story also expresses the dream and belief in the magical abilities of humans.
The story emphasizes the power of true art to punish evil and bring happiness to the working people. The story also shows that evil is always punished appropriately by good.
We have learned and heard many Vietnamese fairy tales about characters with strange talents such as the story of Thach Sanh, the story of the Smart Baby. This type of story is also told and recorded in many countries around the world. The story of the Magic Pen is such a work. The main character of the story is the poor boy Ma Luong but has a kind heart, loves the poor, hates the wicked and cruel. He has a strange talent for painting, partly due to his own ability, partly thanks to the help of the gods. Similar to the talent and courage of Thach Sanh, the intelligence of the smart baby in Vietnamese fairy tales, the talent and heart of that Chinese baby are always directed towards the people, following the people's wishes, not the wishes of the rulers. In other words, Ma Luong's pen helped the good people, sincerely, and resolutely fought against the greedy.
1. The pen accumulates human effort and divine miracles
At the beginning of the story, we meet a smart boy named Ma Liang. His family situation is miserable. His parents died early, he lived by hard labor: chopping firewood, cutting grass to earn a living every day. His family was so poor that Ma Liang did not have money to buy a pen. However, he loved drawing and studied hard. He learned to draw while working, practicing drawing anywhere. In his house, "the four walls were covered with drawings". His drawing gradually improved. When he drew birds, people thought they were about to hear the birds singing, when he drew fish, they thought they were seeing the fish swimming. In other words, thanks to his talent, intelligence and passion for practice, the artist's hand seemed to have a soul, or the artist himself breathed life into his works. What did he draw with? Poor, not having enough money to buy a pen, Ma Liang used labor tools instead of a pen. Sometimes he used a stick to draw on the ground, sometimes he dipped his finger in water to draw on the water surface, and sometimes he drew on the wall. Without a pen, Ma Liang's drawings were so vivid and talented. If he had a pen in his hand. Many nights Ma Liang dreamed of having a pen. And miraculously, the talent and aspiration of the tiny artist reached the heavens. The artist was given a pen by the gods, "a shining golden pen". From then on, Ma Liang truly became a talented artist. Ma Liang's pen drew birds, birds flying their wings, chirping, drew fish, fish swimming happily down the river. Thus, Ma Liang's painting talent was the harmony of human intelligence and effort with the miracle of the gods. If Ma Liang did not have real talent, did not study hard and practice, surely the gods would not have given him a pen. And that golden pen must have been a worthy reward for a talented and determined student. The two factors: human and god, internal strength and external help, were in harmony with each other, creating a "magic pen". The magic pen only works miracles when Ma Luong draws, but when others use the pen. the miracle disappears. The story interweaves truth with magical elements, both related to the drawing talent of the character in the story and also gives listeners and readers profound lessons about talent and the process of training to become talented.
2. The pen helps good people
After having the magic brush, Ma Liang painted for all the poor people in the village. "Any house without a plow, I will draw for you a plow. Any house without a hoe, I will draw for you a hoe. Any house without a lamp, I will draw for you a lamp.". The paintings Ma Liang painted for the villagers were not rice, houses, gold, silver, jewels, but plows, hoes, lamps, buckets, etc. This was not without reason! The artist did not paint for the villagers material wealth that was available for them to enjoy, but painted for them the necessary tools for life so that they could produce, live, create rice, houses and other wealth. By painting and giving away paintings of "plows and hoes" like that, Ma Liang seemed to be implicitly telling the villagers that: the wealth that we enjoy must be created by our own hands and minds, help is only a means of partial support. Ma Liang's brush not only has the magical power of the gods but is also imbued with the colors and lines of the human heart and intelligence. Although he loved his poor and needy villagers, Ma Liang did not indulge them, giving them ready-made wealth. He reminded them to take up a plow to plow the fields, take up a hoe to hoe the garden, and not to be lazy or dependent. Ma Liang's painting for the villagers reminds us of a common saying, which is also a correct attitude of our people: "I do not give you a fish to eat, but I give you a fishing rod so you can go fishing and eat yourself". How magical and wise are the magic brush and the hand of the painter Ma Liang!
3. The pen against the greedy
Ma Liang's talent and kindness were known throughout the region. Good people praised and respected him. Bad people were filled with jealousy and desire. Ma Liang and his magic pen had to face the evil.
First of all, it was against the landlord in the village. He had taken Ma Liang home and forced him to paint according to his wishes. Ma Liang refused to do so. He imprisoned Ma Liang to harm his brother. However, the pen and his intelligence helped Ma Liang escape. The challenge of Ma Liang's talent and will increased day by day. At first, the pen lay still, showing an indomitable attitude. But then, the pen drew fireplaces, cakes, and ladders to protect and free Ma Liang. At the most dangerous moment, the "magic pen" "transformed" into horses, bows, and arrows to destroy the landlord. Thus, the paintings that were originally gentle and kind suddenly turned into weapons. The pen and talent of the painter were flexible and sharp like swords and spears, both protecting the good people and fighting against the greedy and cruel. Following the landlord, Ma Liang had to face the king. This time, the tiny painter's opponent had greater power, the greatest in the country, and his greed and cruelty were also greater, greater than anyone could match. Ma Liang's battle of wits was more intense and complicated. Therefore, Ma Liang's tricks and intelligence were also more skillful and intelligent. The first round: Ma Liang did the opposite of the king's wishes. The king ordered him to draw a dragon, and his brother drew a toad. The king ordered him to draw a phoenix, and his brother drew a featherless chicken. Those two animals were both ugly and dirty, "jumping around the king", as if mocking and teasing the king. The second round: Ma Liang was imprisoned, and the pen fell into the king's hands. Instead of Ma Liang, the pen turned against the king. The king's greed grew more and more, and the "magic pen" also "fought back" more fiercely. The king drew a golden mountain, and the golden mountain turned into a heavy rock that "rolled down from the top of the mountain, almost breaking the king's leg". The king drew a gold bar that was countless meters long, and the gold bar turned into "a long python with its mouth wide open, red, and was slashing at him". In the third round, Ma Liang and the "magic pen" fought more gently, but were more clever and determined. I received the king's request to draw. First, I drew the sea, "the vast, blue sea". Next, I drew fish, then I drew boats, then I drew wind. All three of these things satisfied the king's desires. But that king did not only have moderate desires like others. He was always arrogant and strange, always had extreme desires and demanded that others follow his wishes. Yes, Ma Liang "indulged" the king's wishes. I drew wind and waves to push the king's boat out to sea. Then, following the king's order to "let the wind grow a little stronger", Ma Liang's brush "added a few more strokes. added more strokes. continued to draw big curves.". Each stroke, each line, each patch of color from Ma Liang's brush poured down onto the picture of the sea, at the same time awakening each gust of wind, each wave. From a small gust of wind, a ripple gradually turned into a storm, a surging wave. A strong wind arose, the sea was violently agitated. As time went on, Ma Luong's pen became more and more powerful. His heart was seething with hatred. The wind and the sea became angry with him."The storm grew stronger, the clouds grew darker, the sky became darker,.". The result was: both the king and his ministers were drowned in the ocean,.The final image of the story "Ma Liang pretended not to hear, and continued to draw" is as beautiful as an angel sent from heaven to destroy the evil and carry out justice. And to carry out justice, the little painter was not only helped by heaven but also had intelligence, persistently trained his talent and courage, and a strong will determined not to coexist with the evil and wicked.
The story has a happy ending. After the victory, Ma Liang returned to being an ordinary person, attached to the fields, continuing his glorious mission, using his magic pen to help good people.
The Magic Pen is a fairy tale about a character with strange talents. The magic pen and Ma Liang's drawing hand have a magical ability and power that is both an imaginary and magical detail and contains realistic elements. The story shows the people's concept of social justice, the purpose of artistic talent. Painting in particular, other arts such as literature, music,. must know how to turn to the people to help good people fight against the greedy, then that art will have power, magical ability. The story also shows the people's dream of the magical abilities of humans to help good people deal with the bad guys who follow and harm people every day. The story depicts a pen quietly speaking out many passionate messages, not only to ordinary listeners and readers but also to talented writers, poets, musicians,.
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Above is the section on Feelings when reading The Magic Pen to gain more knowledge to answer and practice writing. You can also refer to the section on Preparing the lesson The Magic Pen and the section on Retelling the story The Magic Pen in your own words .