How to fix Analytics Http failure response for 499 OK realtime

This is an error message when the user accesses Analytics, the Realtime data section is not displayed, let's find out how to fix this Analytics Http failure response for 499 OK realtime error with Free Download.

The Google Analytics home page , under the Active Users in the Last 30 Minutes tab shows 0 visits and there is a warning at the bottom of the web browser.

Http failure response for 499 OK

How to fix Analytics Http failure response for 499 OK realtime Picture 1How to fix Analytics Http failure response for 499 OK realtime Picture 1


According to Free Download's research, this is an error caused by antivirus software or Fake IP utilities, changing VPN is blocking access

. Solution:
Free Download has researched and handled this situation by turning OFF the antivirus software, then at the Number of active users in the past 30 minutes tab, it is displayed normally and there is no more error message.

In addition, to ensure security, if you still want to use antivirus software and no longer display errors and notifications as above, you add the URL "" to the exclusion section on antivirus software.

If you have any errors that you don't know how to fix, please inbox TipsMake admin.

Good luck!

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