Fake attacks on Facebook say you are a reliable contact, don't believe it!

If you receive a message from a friend on Facebook saying that they need your help to access the password again. Don't believe it, maybe someone is cheating on you.

If you receive a message from a friend on Facebook saying that they need your help to access the password again. Don't believe it, maybe someone is cheating on you.

The Access Now discloses details of how to fraudulently use fake messages and there are a few people who are victims. This type of phishing is basically tricking you into giving an account recovery code to an attacker.

Someone has captured your friend's account, then sent an urgent message saying that they need help to get their Facebook account back, asking you to check your email for recovery code.

At the same time, they log into your account with the 'Forgot my password' button. When you check your email and see the recovery code from Facebook that the attacker has created, you will send that code to them, from which the attacker will easily access your account.

See also: How to retrieve a hacked Facebook account

This type of phishing uses a security feature that Facebook has launched since 2013 with the Trusted Contact name. Accordingly, users can choose from 3-5 friends they trust, can ask to restore the account in case they cannot login. The fraudster will say that you are one of those trustworthy people. Search will also see this feature is real and you will believe it immediately.

Fake attacks on Facebook say you are a reliable contact, don't believe it! Picture 1Fake attacks on Facebook say you are a reliable contact, don't believe it! Picture 1
The Trusted Contacts feature helps recover accounts with friends

A very easy way to avoid this type of trick is to contact the friend over the phone, ideally when other accounts have been hacked. If they don't understand what you say, you already know what is wrong.

Also, knowing exactly who brought you to the Trusted Contacts list will also help to avoid being surprised.

When you can't log in, Trusted Contacts doesn't just send you a recovery code, each of them sends a part of the code. You will need all the parts to get your account back. So the code they get from you is not enough to access the account.

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