Microsoft silently patched the KRACK WPA2 security hole

While other vendors are trying to release an update to patch the KRACK attack vulnerability yesterday, Microsoft quietly corrected the problem in a patch last Tuesday.

While other vendors are trying to release an update to patch the KRACK attack vulnerability yesterday, Microsoft quietly corrected the problem in a patch last Tuesday.

Although Windows users installed security updates on Tuesday, October 10, they did not know that they were installing a fix for the KRACK vulnerability that was only publicly revealed yesterday. . This fix is ​​installed through Windows 10 October. The Cumulative Update includes more than 25 other updates, but Microsoft did not provide any information regarding the vulnerability until the user read the relevant article. .

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Microsoft silently patched the KRACK WPA2 security hole Picture 1Microsoft silently patched the KRACK WPA2 security hole Picture 1

Microsoft spokesman said: The company has released an update on October 10 and customers with Widows Updates will be enabled and apply security updates, automatically protected from losses. gaping. We update to protect customers as soon as possible but as a responsible industry partner, we have not disclosed information until other vendors discover and release their updates. .

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