Difficulty: Does the crab know how to hurt?
Can crabs experience pain? Finding the answer to this question is not easy.
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For silent animals like crabs, it is very difficult to determine if they feel physical pain. Therefore, scientists only have to try the crab's reaction.
Difficulty: Does the crab know how to hurt? Picture 1
Staying away from your harm is the simple reflex of most animals. This is like when we accidentally touch a hot object, we will pull our hand back without thinking.
Belfast University professor Robert Elwood tried the reaction of European sea crabs when exposed to electricity to find out if they act differently than simple reflexes.
In the first attempt to react to electricity, some crabs have come to a safe place and remain in it. When the electric shock was second, the crabs continued to look elsewhere, avoiding the place where they had been electrocuted.
Difficulty: Does the crab know how to hurt? Picture 2
In addition, Professor Robert Elwood's team also found that some crabs reacted as if to jump out of the crust because of electric shock in the shell. Depending on the strength of the current and the hardness of the shell, crabs have different reactions. The higher the current, the stronger the reaction to escape from the shell of the crab.
Through the experiment, the team of Professor Robert Elwood concluded: crabs know how to hurt, but it is not clear how they feel.
Every animal with a nervous system of different complexity leads to different feelings and reflexes, which we hardly recognize.
Some other researchers believe that the animal's nervous system simply tolerates better pain than animals with more complex nervous systems.
Previously, researchers tried to reflect on shrimp to see if they knew pain. The results showed that shrimp have more complex pain and pain feelings. After the acid is rubbed into the body, shrimp takes time to pry up the beard and they perform this behavior less often when anesthetized before acid scrubbing.
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