It turns out this is the reason people often catch snakes in the toilet

It is no coincidence that people often catch snakes in the toilet, they all have a reason. Let's find out!

It is no coincidence that people often catch snakes in the toilet, they all have a reason. Let's find out!

  1. Brown snakes survived miraculously after being swallowed by the black snake and then released
  2. Despite being eaten by frogs, snakes still aggressively attack cats
  3. Going on the wrong road, the rat snake is re-eaten by the tiger with the lord

Each snake species has its own habitat as well as its own shelter, but most prefer to live in forests and mountains, because there are favorable environmental factors, especially less affected by humans.

But now the habitat and food sources of snakes are seriously affected by the effects of climate change and human destruction. Therefore, snakes must go to the area to search for food.

It turns out this is the reason people often catch snakes in the toilet Picture 1It turns out this is the reason people often catch snakes in the toilet Picture 1

And the toilet tank pipe is their favorite route. That's because this is the place where the rats' regular feeding places, the prey of snakes. So the snakes just come here to find their prey.

When on land, snakes move by coordinating movement of the abdominal muscles and hundreds of pairs of ribs to twist each part of the body. But when I crawled into the toilet's drain pipe, the snake would swim and bend horizontally. And with such a special ability to bend, the sudden snakes appearing in the toilet are easy to understand.

It turns out this is the reason people often catch snakes in the toilet Picture 2It turns out this is the reason people often catch snakes in the toilet Picture 2

If one day accidentally, you fall into such a situation, don't be too frightened. Calmly flush the toilet lid, close the toilet door and call for help. Do not flush or spill chemicals as this will irritate the snake and make them attack you.

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