Detected Critical Security Bugs Affecting All Versions of Windows

A critical security vulnerability, affecting all versions of Windows, has just been discovered. Notably, there are indications that hackers have exploited this security hole to attack users.

This security flaw, discovered by the Talos security research group (of Cisco technology company), affects all versions of Windows, including Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 versions (two operating systems). Microsoft's newly released operating system) has the latest patch updates installed.

Detected Critical Security Bugs Affecting All Versions of Windows Picture 1Detected Critical Security Bugs Affecting All Versions of Windows Picture 1

According to Jason Schultz, Talos Technical Lead, the newly discovered vulnerability is related to another security flaw that Microsoft released a patch in early November. Hackers can break into Windows to delete system files. However, the patch released by Microsoft does not completely fix the security hole.

As a result, a new security hole appeared, allowing hackers to break into Windows, replacing any executable file on the system with the hacker's files. In addition, hackers can also run code with the highest administrative rights on Windows, which allows hackers to gain control on Windows to execute malicious code.

Up to now, there has been no patch released from Microsoft to fix the newly announced security vulnerability. However, what is worrisome is that there are signs that hackers have discovered this security flaw and started exploiting it to attack users. Talos security experts said that they have discovered malicious code that is distributed to exploit the above security vulnerability.

While waiting for Microsoft to officially release a new patch to patch this serious security vulnerability, users should install and use a security software on their computer, and upgrade all software. on Windows to the latest version to prevent the existence of new security errors. In addition, users need to upgrade their Windows as soon as Microsoft releases a patch.

However, for users of older versions of Windows such as Windows XP or Windows 7, which are operating system versions that have been "killed by Microsoft", it is likely that these versions of Windows will not receive the update. to patch bugs from Microsoft, so users need to accept the risk of continuing to use these older generation operating systems.

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