Common error messages in Excel cells

When working in Excel, sometimes users will receive some confusing error messages like #####, # N / A, # REF…. Understanding and understanding the cause of error messages in Excel will help you to quickly solve the problem. The following Software Tips list helps you with some common error messages common in Excel.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 1Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 1

When working in Excel, sometimes users will receive some confusing error messages like #####, # N / A, # REF…. Understanding and understanding the cause of error messages in Excel will help you to quickly solve the problem. The following Software Tips list helps you with some common error messages common in Excel.

Display error #####

This error occurs when the size of the cell is too narrow compared to the content of the cell makes Excel unable to display all the data of the cell.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 2Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 2

Solution: You only need to change the width of the column.

Note: Some cases, such as values, are time, but have negative results or results that are too large, so you may need to change the format of the cell.

Error with wrong character #NAME!

Errors are encountered in case you type the wrong function name, the formula, without putting text strings in "" quotation marks, makes Excel unable to understand the formula you just entered.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 3Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 3

Solution: Check the syntax of the formula and correct the errors.

Note: There are some functions that apply only later versions of Excel. If you apply to older versions, Excel will not understand and report the error. For example, the CONCAT function only applies to versions after 2016, previous versions, if used, will receive an error even if the function syntax is written correctly.

Error not finding data # N / A!

This error is common when you use search functions such as LOOKUP, MATCH, HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, etc. Measure pointless spaces at the beginning / end of the reference value.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 4Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 4

Solution: Check the reference value and reference table, use copy (copy) to avoid errors during typing, combine the Trim function to remove meaningless spaces that are not visible.

Error in value #VALUE!

Error values ​​appear when you use calculated formulas for non-text values.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 5Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 5

How to proceed: You check the argument of the function.

Error dividing by number # # DIV / 0!

In mathematics, it is indivisible by zero; in Excel, too. If you do a division by zero (or a blank cell), the result will produce a # DIV / 0!

Solution: Check the data of the divisor and change the other divisor.

Error could not reference #REF!

If you use an Excel formula that contains reference data or links but cannot find it, Excel will issue the #REF! Error.

Solution: Update the formula to re-refer to the data or relink the data.

Error number #NUM!

When the calculation encounters a large result that exceeds the calculation capacity or an inappropriate value, the Excel function returns the #NUM! Error.

Solution: Notice how to use positive or negative integers, and use numbers that are too large.

Empty data error #NULL!

You choose the wrong data range, so Excel cannot understand the exact area to calculate.

Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 6Common error messages in Excel cells Picture 6

Solution: Check the argument / data range and correct it.

Above Software Tips has listed some common errors in Excel. Hope this article helped you. Good luck!

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