Bphone obtained Google Play Protect certificate, marking the progress of Bkav

Specifically, BKAV has released the update BOS 8.8 for Bphone B86. Although not mentioned directly, however, this update has given Bphone Google Play Protect (GPP) certification.

After nearly 6 months of waiting,  Bphone B86  has obtained Google Play Protect certificate through the latest BOS 8.8 update. This information I have just read from  Viet Bao , so I want to share it so that everyone can know and congratulate Bkav's achievements.

Specifically, Bkav has released the update BOS 8.8 for Bphone B86. Although not mentioned directly, however, this update has given Bphone Google Play Protect (GPP) certification.

The story of GPP and Bkav started in May last year, not long after Bphone B86 was launched. Some users have expressed concern that the Bphone B86 does not achieve GPP certification, making it impossible to install some applications such as Netflix. Also, according to Google's documentation, a device that doesn't achieve the GPP certification "might not be secure" and "Google's apps may not be licensed and may not be real Google apps" .

Bphone obtained Google Play Protect certificate, marking the progress of Bkav Picture 1Bphone obtained Google Play Protect certificate, marking the progress of Bkav Picture 1

Then, Bkav announced that Google required manufacturers to reach 1 million units in a year for GPP certification, and that Bkav has not yet reached this number, so it has not been issued by Google.

This statement of the company has drawn a lot of skepticism from users, because in the list of Google partners there are many small-scale manufacturers but still achieve Play Protect certification, including some. manufacturers from Vietnam such as  Mobiistar ,  Masstel ,  Vsmart .

However, at the end of July, two months after making the above statement, Bkav suddenly said that it was in the process of working with partners to issue GPP certificates for Bphone. And now, after nearly 6 months of waiting, Bphone finally got this certificate after the update BOS 8.8.

Bphone obtained Google Play Protect certificate, marking the progress of Bkav Picture 2Bphone obtained Google Play Protect certificate, marking the progress of Bkav Picture 2

Having GPP enables Bphone to install some applications such as Netflix directly on the Play Store, no longer have to install manually through the APK file as before. In addition, before the news that Google may block some applications like Google Messages or Google Duo from working on unapproved Android devices in the near future, Bphone B86 users will no longer have to worry. .

However, this is only the first step for Bkav, when some previous product lines such as  Bphone 3  or  Bphone 3 Pro  have not obtained GPP. Hopefully, Bkav will be able to continue updating the above product lines, as well as ensure that future product lines (such as Bphone B40, Bphone B60) will obtain this certificate.

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