8 rules for writing emails
TipsMake.com - Before answering an email, the recipient should keep in mind: email shows your communication skills. The question is whether the way to respond to emails is becoming more effective and polite?
Maureen Bertolo, a computer programmer and has taught email culture for 10 years, thinks email culture is going down. She said that there were quite a lot of complaints as well as the questions that the students gave in her lectures. Almost everyone complains that ' emails are too long' and 'why do I receive so many emails?'.
According to Bertolo, the inherent problem of email is: people are too dependent on email and using them is not effective. Email has become an integral part of work and communication. They become so familiar that people no longer think of alternative communication methods. She added that messages and Twitter are now reducing email usefulness more than ever.'Texting is easier than writing emails. You don't need to worry about spelling, grammatical errors or greetings etiquette. Because messaging is done more quickly, people assume that messages don't need to look professional like emails. '
8 rules for writing emails Picture 1 In this age of texting and tweeting, some people may argue that Bertolo's principles of email writing are unnecessary in communication as well as in business. But Bertolo's standards are very useful for both recipients and email senders. She simply wants people to communicate more effectively, sometimes not necessarily by email. Bertolo also said personal emails that reflect his own communication skills and how to express themselves. Knowing when and how to use email effectively can increase an individual's influence. While applying for a job, the email sent to the employer is the first impression that employers have for job applicants.
In short, if you are interested in your personal image and brand, you should consider the emails you send. Here are 8 ways Bertolo offers to have a perfect email.
1. Think before writing
Before starting to compose an email, think carefully about what you intend to write and whether the email is really effective for writing purposes. For example, if you are trying to solve someone's problems, call that person directly. If you want to explain a process, explain it directly, which is more effective than telling the process via email (you can use services like WebEx). If you want to point out an urgent problem with your colleagues at the agency, talk to them separately.
2. Writing emails is simple
Email will be most effective for simple requests and messages in 2 lines. For example, 'Can you meet me at 4 o'clock?' or 'Do you have this data?' If your email is in a long string of 2 or more emails, the recipient often forgets about your original email.
3. Write short emails
People love using email for quick and easy. If the email becomes longer or more complicated, it will take longer for you to write and it will be harder to attract the recipient. According to Bertolo, 'if an email is longer than 12 lines and there are two content circuits, you are wasting your time and fading your email.'
4. Use the Subject line
People use subject lines as a toolbar in the inbox to indicate what to do. To help recipients classify the importance of the problem and understand the purpose of the email, the Subject line must be clear. According to Bertolo, 'Tell the recipient what you want on the subject line. Then, instead of marking emails and classifying the importance of emails, the user should set the deadline for which the sender wants to receive a reply on the Subject line.
5. Set the structure for email
According to Bertolo, 'A standard email needs the introduction, the body and the email end.' The purpose of the email should be clear in the body, stating what needs to be done. The sentences should have only 15 words or less. The beginning and the end should not exceed 7 lines in total, and the body should not exceed 5 lines.
6. Master your email
Bertolo suggested asking his email recipients questions like: 'Can I help you? Have I provided enough information to you? '
7. Avoid confusing words and structures.
How you communicate via email shows how professional you are. Avoid offensive and sarcastic words. Even if someone sends you a vulgar letter, you can still reply politely. She also recommends avoiding defensive questions like 'Why is your project so late?'. The best way to identify those issues is by phone contact or face-to-face meeting. Also avoid the words 'provocative' like 'Why are you .', 'You have to .', 'I'm sure you will agree with .' , and 'I don't understand why you .'. These questions show communication failures that certainly cannot correct these failures (or at least quickly fix these failures).
8. Be careful in choosing Blind Copy and Reply All
According to Bertolo, the only reason to use Blind copy is to not reveal the recipient's address. For example, if you want to send an email to all members of a system to announce a new job, leave all the address of Blind copy so people can't see the email addresses of the people. another. Do not use Blind copy to secretly share confidential information for others.
Avoid using Reply all. For example, your boss sends a meeting request or link to an article for everyone in the group and you need to reply to that email, just answer your boss. According to Bertolo, answering them all will annoy others.
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