10 questions with Google TV
TipsMake.com - May 20 at Google I / O developers conference, Google announced Google TV. A series of questions are raised, some of them are: How much is Google TV cost? How will cable providers support it? How to advertise? Let's take a look at 10 questions that are very interested by users for Google TV.
10 questions with Google TV Picture 1 On May 20, Google announced Google TV at the Google I / O developer conference and raised more questions than ever about issues such as software, hardware of this platform and counterparts. distribution. Google has partnered with Web surfing and channel finding services similar to current services like Apple TV, TiVo, Boxee, Roku and Vudu.
This Android 2.1-based platform will use Chrome browser for Sony's Web-connected TVs and Logitech's remote control device.
Google TV supports Adobe Flash 10.1, so users can search and use Internet applications from video websites such as NetFlix, YouTube and Amazon on-demand videos to Google Picasa, Yahoo Flickr, Pandora and pages for gaming that are not blocked.
TV viewers will be able to select channels and applications with a Logitech remote control or Android phone. Intel Atom chips for Sony and Logitech hardware. Google's Android team will also update the SDK, allowing designers to write applications for Google TV after Google TV is delivered to consumers.
Here are 10 questions that are very interesting to users with the expectation that Google TV will succeed where both Microsoft and Viiv WebTV of Intel have failed.
1. Who will support Google TV?
In addition to TV Dish Network satellite company will support Google TV, has yet to see any other service representatives. The question is, which firm will be responsible for producing the program? How do cable providers and IPTV services like Cox, Comcast, Time Warner . play a role?
2. What is AT&T U-Verse's role?
As we mentioned, Google TV is based on the Android operating system. AT&T does not support Android much. The company does not want to upset Apple because AT&T is monopolizing Apple's iPhone and iPad. Does AT&T U-Verse interfere with Google TV, or is it because it has supported Yahoo?
3. Other TV manufacturers
To see Google TV, users can only go to Best Buy, buy Logitech's control device and watch Google TV on existing TVs. But if Google TV with Sony TV maker, using the Android operating system, becomes stronger, the pressure on other TV manufacturers will also increase. The question is whether other TV manufacturers besides Sony can fully meet the needs of customers?
4. How much does it cost to see Google TV?
Google has not yet announced the price of Google TV. Sony, Logitech and other related parties have not released any information. Greg Sterling is trying to calculate the cost for Google TV
5. Advertising issues
How will Google put ads into Google TV? Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google TV, said ads on Google TV will be distributed through TV sites or programs. Ads can also run on Android applications.
6. Which firm will provide services?
If Google decides to bring digital ads to Google TV, what role will cable distributors play? Will consumers have to watch twice the number of ads from Google and from regular TV programs, or will the ads be streamlined more?
7. Google Broadband
Perhaps Google TV is the real reason behind Google Broadband. If Google encounters a barrier from cable companies or users incur unreasonable fees, will Google use its broadband service to support Google TV? Google will own coverage from Mountain View to household users, from applications to services and links. Everything except the content of the program.
8. Other features
One thing that we don't know about Google TV is programs that control children's content. Will there be a feature to help parents lock programs that prohibit children under 10 like 'Californication'?
9. Does Google attract more customers?
Google quite understands customers in this day and age. The question is whether customers really want to learn about a TV program with the information they have obtained from searching the Internet, from Gmail, .? Will Google succeed where WebTV and Intel ViVi fail?
10. Apple TV
Apple TV is a service for hobbies. If Google TV succeeds, will Apple be forced to strengthen Apple TV to compete with Google and avoid affecting the iPad?
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