12 ways to push yourself out of the safe zone every day

It is much easier to stay in your boundaries, which makes you more comfortable than having to face the fear of not knowing what will happen out there. But if you only limit yourself to what you already know, you will miss many good opportunities, life experiences and opportunities for self-development.

You always want to get out of the safe zone but don't know where to start, because the first step is always the most difficult step. It is much easier to stay in your boundaries, which makes you more comfortable than having to face the fear of not knowing what will happen out there. But if you only limit yourself to what you already know, you will miss many good opportunities, life experiences and opportunities for self-development.

A thread on the social network Quora asked the question: "How can I get out of my safe zone?" and readers shared the simple steps below. They perform them daily in order to overcome their own limits.

1. Set the first step

Theoretically all you need is a first step. The first day in the gym can be very bad. The first lines in the story you write may take the most time. But when you have a push, moving forward will become much easier - Deepak Mehta.

2. Put yourself in a new environment

Let's start with a few small changes that are less likely to pose a risk, such as eating at another restaurant in another part of the city or attending an art exhibition. The idea here is to bring yourself into a new environment - where you have to control your interactions with yourself - Barbara Carleton.

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3. Don't make safe choices

Whenever making a choice in which an option is safe (comfortable) and the other option is risky (or makes you uncomfortable), the second option will bring you many things. , help you grow and that's the decision you should make - Karen X. Cheng.

4. Going home with another path

If you drive or walk home on another route, you will see different things, expanding your perspective on the world. It is a very simple way to start changing. Then you can make bigger changes. In the end, you will feel comfortable when you think beyond the limits, step outside your box - Sue Murphy.

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5. Make quick decisions

From choosing a store to shop, it's not necessarily a survival decision. Please make a different choice than usual without thinking too much about it. If that sounds vague, try tossing the coin. Toss coins, make decisions and don't change. Eliminating thinking too much about a decision can be a huge boost to the process of getting out of a safe zone. In addition, quick decisions also gradually bring a sense of trust in oneself - Shivee Gupta.

6. Consider other people's views

There are a lot of smart people around you, though they are slightly aggressive or sometimes disagree with you about many issues. Discuss ideas with them in a peaceful way, which will also help you reevaluate your beliefs - Yael Grauer.

7. Say "agree" more often

Say "yes" even if you don't find yourself ready. If you work at work, keep saying "yes" to new projects, new tasks, new roles - even if you've never done it. That will open up great opportunities for your career. Who knows, you may find yourself interested in things you haven't had before - Corrine Lin.

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8. Volunteer

Best of all, turn volunteer activity into an learning experience. Choosing things that are unfamiliar and accepting things can make you more useful - Yael Grauer.

9. Do what you fear

This is a thought that can explain this: This makes me scared? Then I have to do it. That's how we conquer fear. Fear never disappears, but we only learn how to control it - Zach Davidson.

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10. Create challenges to bring yourself to do the things you want to improve

Give yourself challenges (along with motivation) to push yourself out of the comfort zone and set foot in the areas you want to develop.

  1. Next time, when meeting a beautiful girl (motivation), come and talk to her (challenge).
  2. The next time you buy a cup of coffee (motivation), try asking if they have a 10% discount (challenge).
  3. The next time you suddenly see the eyes of a stranger (motivation) keep looking until they turn away (challenge).
  4. The next time someone asks you if you are fine (motivation), answer that you feel great instead of simply being as healthy as usual (challenge).

Focus on motivation and don't try to give any other reason. They will soon become your habit - Christian Pretorius.

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11. Allow others to make decisions for you

My wife is the one who plans the trip for both. If I'm the one who decides, we won't go anywhere. So let's play with those who are more communicators than you, let them plan and just follow them - Deepak Mehta.

12. Always remember that tomorrow is a new day

This will help you remember that what doesn't kill you will often make you stronger - you can cope, will recover and learn something, you will also have the opportunity to overcome difficulties without What will happen next time - Nate Waddoups.

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Author: Katherine Noel

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