10 secrets to finding a job and success in IT in Asia

Some experts in IT (IT) in Asia offer 10 tips to help workers in this field, whether in business or technical management, can find it. an easy and good job

Some experts in IT (IT) in Asia offer 10 tips to help workers in this field, whether in business or technical management, can find it. an easy and successful career in Malaysia, Singapore and some other countries .

1. Causing attention

The first attention that a candidate can create for an employer is through a summary of information about himself and his work (Curriculum Vitae - CV). Ashran Dato Ghazi, CEO (CEO) of Asiastream Group, a Malaysian company: said: ' Employers look at a lot of CV every day and so you need to know how to get their attention. . Please show your personality through the CV . ' Ghazi advises graduate students to list all the jobs they have done at university as a way to build their achievements in the CV. For those with work experience, Yeo Gek Cheng, director of Hudsons IT&T (IT & Telecommunications) in Asia, advises that besides the scope of his work, he should add other information, especially the achievements in work, 'hard' skills. Yeo said: ' Employers tend to recruit candidates based on their basic' hard 'skills before inviting them to interview to check whether they are really suitable for the job or not. . At interviews, employers mainly examine candidates' 'soft' skills .

Experts recommend that one of the ways to make a difference is to take professional certificates.

2. Prepare a good CV

It is advisable to prepare different CVs for different recruitment tasks, which are advised by Stella Thevarakam, regional HR Manager of ISS Consulting, a technology consulting firm with facilities in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. Thevarakam said: ' Do not make the CV too general and send it to a variety of different organizations. Candidates should emphasize their strengths and strengths. It is also recommended to provide practical experience when the candidate participates in projects that the candidate uses his or her knowledge. Such records often have the ability to enter very high rounds '. Thevarakam suggests that CV is the first means for candidates to introduce themselves to employers, so candidates who want to find a new challenge need to present their CV clearly, close. on the job.

3. Use familiar relationships

Personal relationships will become very useful when candidates go to find a job. Yeo of Hudsons IT&T said: ' While viewing job advertisements in newspapers, on recruitment sites, through professional recruitment services, which are popular ways to find jobs, candidates should remember that Finding a job through familiar relationships can also be a very good way . '

10 secrets to finding a job and success in IT in Asia Picture 110 secrets to finding a job and success in IT in Asia Picture 1 4. Good communication skills

Robert Lim, vice president of business for SMR Technologies, said that in many countries, typically Malaysia, in addition to technical knowledge, the demand for specialized workers in the IT sector can be used. Good English is great. In addition to language skills, candidates must also demonstrate professional behavior through dress, punctuality, care about work by preparing work carefully before going to work or meeting work.

5. Ability to own work

Whether working in the technical or business department, it is important to master your work. Yeo of Hudsons said: ' Being able to present your business plans and strategies in detail is still just a necessary condition. You need to be able to deploy those plans and strategies to bring specific benefits to your business '.

Hard skills and 'soft' skills must go hand in hand for any job, in any position. Yeo added: ' We have seen many candidates with excellent technical skills but have difficulty presenting their ideas. On the contrary, there are also candidates who can present their ideas and strategies well but lack the ability to create an action plan . '

6. Think like an entrepreneur

Don't think that you can't become an entrepreneur if you're working for someone. Ghazi said that now employers often find candidates who not only have the necessary skills for the job but also have to know 'think like an entrepreneur'. ' Boldly present new ideas, propose new ways to handle work. Dynamic companies like such candidates '.

7. Comply with company policy

There are many cases where the IT workers lost their jobs. ' Failure to comply with regulations, important principles of business is a cause. Making an "inside hand" for company stock purchases or embezzling corporate funds is an example. Working ineffectively for a long time is another case, 'Yeo explained. He added: ' We had a case where a candidate was fired for sleeping while working. There are some jobs that require employees to sit still in front of a computer screen all day like IT development . ' In addition, according to Thevarakam, using the Internet for personal purposes during working time is also a problem that many IT company employees face many problems.

8. Apply appropriate knowledge

Abuse of the IT knowledge that I have learned is sometimes the reason why the staff in this field "end up" their careers. For example, according to Thevarakam's explanation, IT staff use their expertise to perform prohibited activities such as hacking into systems to get private information and security.

9. Constantly learning

IT staff should constantly update new information and development trends in the industry and should not rely solely on the courses, seminars and exhibitions that the company sends them to attend. Thevarakam said: ' It is possible to learn, collect and update new knowledge without being too expensive by going to the Internet, participating in associations, blogging . '.

10. Be ready to receive new tasks and challenges

Thevarakam advises: ' IT staff should be ready to take on new responsibilities and challenges. For example, if you are a graduate and recruited to be an SAP consultant but then your company needs someone trained in Peoplesoft and ready to train you, you should accept that opportunity. to expand knowledge. If you only pursue a specialized skill, you will make yourself obsolete and excessive for your organization . '

Nhat Nguyen

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