Will Microsoft leave Android permanently?

Microsoft's recent announcement of the Nokia X line of death after a brief period of fortunes has surprised the tech world. One question is whether Microsoft will permanently abandon this platform in the future?

Microsoft's recent announcement of the Nokia X line of death after a brief "marriage" has surprised the tech world. One question is whether Microsoft will permanently abandon this platform in the future?

Nokia X smartphone line aimed at the cheap market segment. This is the first Microsoft phone ( Nokia previously ) to use the Android-based platform, which it calls Nokia X Platform. The customized Android operating system used on the new Nokia X, X +, XL or X2 is integrated with Microsoft services such as Outlook.com, Skype, OneDrive . Especially, the Nokia X user interface is optional. It's exactly the same as Windows Phone's Live Tiles.

Many people said that the idea of ​​using Android on Nokia X smartphone is a unique step of Microsoft to gain profits based on its services. Once you are familiar with how to use Nokia X, users will be willing to spend money to buy smartphones using Windows Phone. However, after only a short time applying Android on Nokia X, Microsoft had to death this smartphone segment, and according to the company, it will replace products in this segment with cheap Windows Phone smartphones.

Will Microsoft leave Android permanently? Picture 1Will Microsoft leave Android permanently? Picture 1

As mentioned above, Microsoft did not disclose that they will break with Android. Moreover, before the announcement of abandoning Nokia X using Android, Microsoft had an agreement regarding the use of Android on its devices. That is the contract company allows two Indian manufacturers to create devices that can run parallel Android and Windows Phone.

Some sources said that Huawei maker is also building a similar line of equipment for the US market. A week earlier, the evleaks page revealed that Microsoft is planning to launch the Android-based Lumia line.

However, Microsoft has not touched on the leaked plans related to Android. But many say that it seems that Microsoft has felt "excited" about Android.

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