When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not

When the laptop battery is nearly broken, it needs to be replaced with a new one. But how is the specific sign that a laptop needs a battery replacement?

We all know the battery is a very important part of a laptop. If the battery is damaged or the battery is too much, users need to replace the laptop battery. But specifically when should the battery be replaced?

1. Replace laptop battery when there is a warning from Windows

This is the most urgent signal to replace the battery, once it appears, you should not hesitate to replace the battery immediately. A red X will appear on the system tray, write ' Consider replacing your battery ' (meaning to recommend a replacement of your battery). Or more serious, there is a warning ' There is a problem with your battery, so your computer might shut down suddenly ' ( There is a problem with your battery, your computer may suddenly start).

Note that the above message is only displayed on computers running Windows 7 operating systems. If you use Windows Vista or XP, there will be no warning.

When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 1When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 1 When the notice should replace the battery, do not hesitate, but always change

2. Replace the laptop battery when you see clear battery bottle signs

After a long time of use, the laptop battery is good and terrible, it must be gradual. The specific signs that the laptop battery has been so charged that it should be replaced:

  1. When plugged in, the laptop does not recognize the battery, flickering sometimes when not
  2. While the battery is charging, unplug the laptop then the power loses power
  3. The battery is always full, the battery is not full, very fast or the virtual battery is reported
  4. When opening the device to check the battery, the battery is distorted, blistered, deformed, smells or leaks. This situation is quite dangerous because the battery can affect other components in the laptop.
When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 2When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 2 Signs of instability when charging, low battery fast are most noticeable

3. How to check battery bottle on Windows

  1. Step 1: Click  Start, enter the command line for the command 'cmd', select Run as administrator.
  2. Step 2: A command prompt will appear. Enter powercfg –energy in the blank box, wait for the system about 1 minute.
  3. Step 3: Copy the command line C: Windowssystem32energy-report.html ''% userprofile% / Desktop fill in the blank, copy the file energy-report.html to the main screen.
  4. Step 4: Open the newly saved folder off the screen, find the file named Battery: Battery Information. Your current laptop parameters and battery will appear. There are two lines we need to consider: Design Capacity (DC - Design capacity of the battery) and Last Full Charge (LFC - Capacity of the last full charge)
  5. Step 5: Calculate the formula of laptop battery bottle: 100 - (DC / LFC) * 100. The result is a percentage of the battery, the higher the number, the more the battery is.
When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 3When do I need to replace a laptop battery? Instructions on how to check the battery bottle or not Picture 3 Report laptop battery information on Windows
In addition to checking on Windows, you can also use specialized software like BatteryInfoView of NirSoft to check. The accuracy of the methods is not 100% guaranteed but still give enough results for us to evaluate the battery status and decide whether to replace it or not.

Do not replace the laptop battery when the battery is too degraded, too broken. Time to use such degraded battery certainly hurt both the device and annoying users. Buying laptop batteries is a necessary investment and does not save.

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